Why no Feats progression on Custom?!


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I really enjoy playing Custom but i just recently found out you get no feats progression! Why??? This just seems like an unnecessary punishment for Custom players. Is it because you want us to 'earn' feats?? Then why have feats progression on pilgrim?! I just do't understand why Custom players like myself are so unnecessarily punished for wanting to playing a slightly modified game experience... 

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I don't think it's a punishment, I think it was just a design choice.

I imagine it goes something like this: If we want "homebrewed" difficulties that go outside the "normal difficulty parameters" of the game, then our activities in that experience are just for us and not applied to the gameplay rewards meant for things balanced and tuned for the official difficulty modes.  Which makes sense to me. 

Believe it or not... you can use custom settings to make a world even easier than Pilgrim :D 

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I use custom to turn off T1000 sleep regeneration among other things. I guess I am trying to make the game as realistic as I can.

While personally I would have feats enabled no matter what since people should be able to play how they like, they may see it as people needing to put in a minimum amount of effort to get them. Either way it doesn’t bother me since I don’t use feats.

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I'd try them out when I first get them... but in general I don't really like having too much in the way of advantage.  I think the only one I've used more than twice was "Book Smarts."  The rest... to me, seem like too much of an advantage and as a result I tend to not want to use them.

That's just the way I see it though... of course there is nothing wrong with using them, I just personally prefer not to. 


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