Frost Bite Risk Not "Healing"...


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Has anyone else run into this?

Yesterday, I opted to save wear and tear on my clothes as a blizzard hit.  I knew I wasn't far from shelter so I packed my clothes and trudged back to the Mountaineer's Hut.  I did end up with 2 instances of frost bite risk (11%).  Well, I've kept myself nice & warm and fully covered for about 5 in-game days, but my frost bite risk is still "stuck" at 11%.  Is anyone else having issues with frost bite risk that will not go away?


@Admin: is there something I'm missing, or would it be worth submitting a bug report?

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1 minute ago, ManicManiac said:

Well, I've kept myself nice and warm and fully covered for about 5 in-game days and my frost bite risk is still "stuck" at 11%

The feels like temperature can be deceptive.

Has the air temperature gone above freezing?  For instance have you lit a fire and brought the air temperature above zero degree Celsius.

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6 minutes ago, Ice Hole said:

The feels like temperature can be deceptive.

Has the air temperature gone above freezing?  For instance have you lit a fire and brought the air temperature above zero degree Celsius.

Well, my feels like is around 16*C in the mountaineer's hut (with all my warm clothes on)... with fire it's much much higher.

Normally, if I keep myself warm and my hands & face "covered" frost bite risk slowly heals over time and is usually gone the next day.  Yesterday in my play session, however... it's been stuck at 11%.  No matter how hot or how long I keep the fire going... the risk will not reduce (and I mean I've kept my temperature meter full for 5 in-game days now).  It feels like I am experiencing a bug, but I wanted to check with the community first.

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Just now, ManicManiac said:

  It feels like I am experiencing a bug,


Sounds like a bug especially if you have a fire. 

But the question still remains has your air temperature gone above freezing?  If the air temperature does not go above freezing then frostbite remains.  I had a similar issue at Riken. 

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10 minutes ago, Ice Hole said:

But the question still remains has your air temperature gone above freezing?

The ambient temperature is almost never above freezing in this run, I've just never had this issue before.  In all my past experience, as long as "I'm" above freezing the risk would always abate and pass.  I have a small mountain of coal stocked, so I guess I will try a 24 hour coal fire next.  :) 

I guess if that doesn't do the trick, I will submit screenshots and a report to the Support Portal. 

Also, thank you @Ice Hole, I really appreciate the feedback.

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14 minutes ago, ManicManiac said:

I never put it together that the ambient temp would prevent frost bite recovery (especially how warm and toasty I generally am under all my layers)... thanks again for pointing this out.  It wasn't a bug after all, I just didn't fully understand the forces at work :D 

My experience was getting frostbite risk then going under the covers in bed.  The feels temperature like was positive so I slept and woke to frostbite damage.   That is why I stated that the feels like temperature can be deceptive. 

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11 minutes ago, Ice Hole said:

My experience was getting frostbite risk then going under the covers in bed.  The feels temperature like was positive so I slept and woke to frostbite damage.

Sheesh, that is rough.  Well, I really appreciate you taking the time to help me get my head wrapped around what the problem was.  I guess I've not had too many run-ins with frost bite risk, so I suppose I never did get a firm grasp on the nuances of how it works.

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1 minute ago, ManicManiac said:

Sheesh, that is rough.  Well, I really appreciate you taking the time to help me get my head wrapped around what the problem was.  I guess I've not had too many run-ins with frost bite risk, so I suppose I never did get a firm grasp on the nuances of how it works.

When you get the risk warning, check your clothing, asap. If any is frozen, the risk will not pass until it is unfrozen, and the affliction *may* occur while it remains on your character while frozen. Whether your "feels like" is positive or not. 

"Your skin is directly exposed to the cold. If it remains exposed for long enough, you'll get Frostbite."

Frozen clothing = exposure to cold. If any clothing is frozen, take it off. Lay it next to a fire to thaw it and dry it. It's not giving you any warmth bonus while it is frozen anyway.

That said, having the risk for days on end with it never going away definitely sounds like a bug. If your ambient air temp is above freezing, your clothes should go back to "wet" only, and eventually dry, especially if you had fire(s) to warm up near. Did you have any hypothermia warning or affliction during the time you had frostbite risk?

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Yes, the part about needing to get the ambient temp up in order to "heal" the affliction risk, is something I'd not encountered before.  I've been living on Timberwolf Mountain for about 3 in-game months now so the ambient temp in the Mountaineer's Hut is never naturally above 0*C.  I definitely think it was bugged out at least the other day... I did have a fire burning for 24 hours and it was still stuck on 11% risk.  Though last night, when I loaded it up again and did use a bit of coal to get the fire up to 80*C as fast as possible, I did see the risk finally abate and pass...  Whatever had it stuck, apparently cleared up when I got back into the game.  However, I honestly didn't know about recovering being tied to ambient temp... so I thank you both for that info.

I very much appreciate it.  :) 

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