My short story from my lunchtime game.


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So on Friday, I had managed to barely make it to Trappers alive. Today I realized food was a major emergency. I had the rifle and 7 bullets but wouldn't ya know it - a storm with a -28 windchill. Really? What timing. So I knew the deer carcass was in the ruined building. Made some water and two reclaimed wood. Ran out to grab the guts, ran back in to make two more snares. Ran back out and placed 3 snares, but I realized I still needed food NOW. Was not going to use the MRE. So on the way back I shot at a deer and hit it. Luckily it ran up a hill and turned around. I realized that it would probably die, but could not take the chance so I shot it again and it dropped. Yay! Grabbed two kg of meat and ran back in to cook it. Five failed attempts to start a fire in a row! (I think this needs to be tweaked because 5 attempts does not reflect a 50% chance!).

So I cooked the meat and even though it was almost dark, I ran back out just to get two more kgs. On the way back(which is like 150 feet at most), I see glowing wolf eyes! Really? Tried to shoot it, but it attacked. I survived, but at 4%. Then it was so dark I had trouble seeing where to get to the door. Quickly applied a bandage and antiseptic and looked for a lantern in my inventory and died. Ugh. :-D

My game at home though is the best yet. So much meat, I am running out of storage spots and have tons of cloth and scrap metal, as well as rabbit mitts and deerskin boots done.

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Isn't this game fun!? :)

A tip on starting fires: cedar (softwood) has the highest chance to light, so always try to use cedar until your fire starting skill is higher. The same goes for wooden matches, they have a better chance than cardboard matches. And it's a good idea to use accelerant if you have it when your skill is still low, especially when you need a fire right now. Of course that requires accelerant, but you can also use kerosene from jerry cans and lantern fuel bottles.

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Thanks, I've been wondering what the advantage of softwood is! I saw it takes less calories, but the fire time is so low with it, that it does not seem worth it unless just starting-out. I already knew everything else you mentioned.

Yes, I'm totally addicted!

Does anyone know a way to prevent updates? I don't see a steam option for it with this game. Also, does it play offline or if I copy it to another directory? I'd really like to preserve the current version and only update after reading about new updates as to whether I want to do them.

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Cedar has 2 uses:

1. Starting fires as it lights easier, but after the fire is lit you switch to fir as it burns longer.

2. To carry with you for lighting fires along the way. Cedar ways .5 kg and burns 1 hour and fir weighs 1 kg and burnd for 1.5 hours. So for the same weight, cedar burns longer.

The only way I know to prevent updates is to disconnect your PC from the internet.

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