#393: Holding a flare during transition


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I just went from Mystery Lake to Coastal Highway while holding an unlit flare. When the text comes up to "Go to Ravine" and you click once it's like I'm holding down the mouse-button while the screen fades to black, which then starts the flare.

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Moral of the story, do not hold an unlit flare whilst transitioning to the ravine.

Yeah, well until the devs have fixed this bug. The same happened when transitiong from Ravine to Coastal highway. So this happens on every transition I assume.

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Thanks for reporting, logged as ticket #393.

A good thing to check is that I assume the same thing would happen when it comes to for instance hunting rifles (shooting multiple shots) or storm lantern getting lit. Not tested but as it simulates a mousebutton down-action (for some reason?) you may have to double-check other tools also.

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