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First i would like to congratulate you for this amazing game, i love it !

Awesome job!

As i said on the title, i encountered what i think could be a bug, but i'm not sure. Is there a chance that a wolf would jump on you and kill you instantly?

The fact is i encountered two wolves the first jumps on me, i hit it and he flees, i lost 1% condition as i got lucky on the strike. Then the second one jumps on me around 5 secs later even if i had throwed a flare on him. And he one hits KO me. i was at 40% condition then 0% in a second i didn't even have the time to click once, i had the red screen "dead"...

Is it a bug or is there a chance a wolf kills you instantly because you hit the ground too strong?

Anyway i wanted to report, sorry if this is double post, i didn't see any about this...

Thanks for your awesome work,


PS: English is not my native language, sorry for the eventual mistakes!

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If this isn't a bug but a game mechanic, i would like to quote Mr. Van lierop

"We've been learning that not everyone sees "survival simulation" the same way, and that there's a wide range of tastes regarding how challenging or realistic a survival game needs to be to be compelling. We've been learning that players in general want a game that rewards them for thinking, and doesn't penalize them with meaningless randomness. We've been using this feedback and working hard to incorporate it into a set of game systems with outcomes that the player can feel ownership of. We think we're on the right track, and in general our players seem to agree (validated by our 95 percent positive Steam reviews).

Mostly, we've been learning that players embrace a challenge and don't mind failing as long as the failure seems fair. As one of our community members captured so perfectly when he said -- "usually the thing that kills you in The Long Dark is yourself."

Read on Gamasutra

I quote this just to say that, this precise game mechanic felt really injust and has, in my opinion, too much RNG and a feeling "well nothing i can do, not even the fighting system for the remaining 40%".

That doesn't change my love and addiction to your game though.

( this is NOT an aggressive comment, i try to be constructive)

Thanks and kind regards,


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If you really didn't even have the time to click once before you died while you had 40% condition left, that seems like a bug to me. Wolf attacks drain you health fast, but not that fast.

That said, getting away with 1% condition loss the first time can be said to be incredibly lucky with how wolves are now. A much more likely outcome would have been death, since you were at only 41% condition. I have enough trouble as it is surviving a wolf attack when at 100% condition, usually ending up at 20-40%.

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Yes the outcome would probably be death but i think it's the chance to try that matters... On this fght i didn't have any chance at all, but if the fighting comes up to my death, it's ok, just let me try at least :)

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