Audio Bug - Flare - (Fixed in v0.2)


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  • Hinterland

Hmm...we've seen this bug come and go. It's a doozy. Good find though. This is not desired behaviour. You cannot stow a lit flare. You can only hold it, drop it, or throw it. It can be picked up again if lit, but not added to inventory.

I suspect the bug is with stowing which shouldn't be possible when it is lit.

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Guest Alan Lawrance

Logan -- was the lantern not lit when you woke up? That would be the expected behavior... the lantern still simulates during your sleep and burns fuel.

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Alan - yeah the lantern wasn't lit when I woke up, I wasn't saying it was bugged, just saying that I had forgotten to turn it off when I went to sleep and let it burn up all of its fuel, just something else I didn't think of.

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