The Long Dark Survival Mode Updated to V1.48 -- STEADFAST RANGER


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Guest Kane Parry
10 hours ago, Admin said:

Just a heads-up that the Rifle and Bow aiming fix should hit this upcoming Monday or Tuesday (Pacific time).

Thanks for heads up but I have had no problems with the Rifle or bow

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I have found a change in the game that makes life much easier for me, and I'm sure everyone else.  I have not seen it mentioned anywhere yet, although it might be out there.  I shall not give the details, eventually players will realise what it is.

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On 5/8/2019 at 7:01 PM, kristaok said:

Oh no... you think he ended it? that's so sad. :/ I will cry if I see this. :( 

You are very observant I don't know if I would have put those together and realized it could mean that. 

I have saw some weird things though, I one time saw a dead guy that died trying to rob the bank. I also saw a dead hunter before with a bow beside him, and I saw a dead guy hanging out of the rolled up hay or whatever it was before. 

There's some potty humor here and there, which cracks me up because I'm basically an infant.  Like the "ruined" underwear in the bath tub, with matches and accelerant nearby.  The prybars hidden behind the toilet.  Because I mean come on, if you eat nothing but bear and moose meat for a month straight, you're gonna need a prybar.

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Guest kristaok
2 minutes ago, ajb1978 said:

There's some potty humor here and there, which cracks me up because I'm basically an infant.  Like the "ruined" underwear in the bath tub, with matches and accelerant nearby.  The prybars hidden behind the toilet.  Because I mean come on, if you eat nothing but bear and moose meat for a month straight, you're gonna need a prybar.

Haha I never caught on to that! :D Thanks! 

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Arrows completely vanishing.  My first arrow fired since the update - no problems with aiming since I clearly nailed the rabbit first try... but the arrow has completely vanished.  The shot was taken in an open area between the Trapper's Cabin and the Deadfall Area where rabbits frequently spawned.  After collecting the rabbit and thoroughly, thoroughly checking that entire area, I cannot find the arrow anywhere.  I've seen this happen to a few Youtubers as well since the update.  Please, Raphael, check into this.

ETA;   I'm finding my arrows easily for the shots I miss, but the arrows disappear completely whenever I hit a rabbit.

ETA:  I finally killed a rabbit and got my arrow back, so it's not a 100% occurrence... but it's still frequent enough you should be able to replicate it.

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34 minutes ago, Helmsley said:

The rifle aim... where is the sweet spot? I feel like the aim is all over the place. Missing again and again when i know I was a hit.


With the rifle, I'm sighting a little to the right and slightly high.  The most important thing I noticed is to be sure to not take to long to aim.  It seems to me that as the targeting stamina meter depletes, Will/Astrid is more likely to have started to lower the gun on their own.  Previously, the gun would just start to sway, now they actually fully lower it  and place it in the cradled position which brings the muzzle down and around to the left.

If you are indeed hitting the animal, then it may be a loss of collision issue... that is, they are going right through the animal without harming it.  This could also be why my arrows were completely disappearing (likely under the snow, although in my case they were killing the rabbits.  I have noticed an inconsistency with the aiming of stones.  On one run I started, I literally couldn't miss a rabbit even when I intentionally threw the stone so that it would be about a foot off the mark.  On the next run I started, this effect wasn't there, but some of the stones would appear to go right through some of the rabbits without harming them at all.  I think it's possible that rifle aiming is varying the same way from playtrhough to playthrough (or player to player).

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On 5/13/2019 at 12:09 AM, UpUpAway95 said:

With the rifle, I'm sighting a little to the right and slightly high.  The most important thing I noticed is to be sure to not take to long to aim.  It seems to me that as the targeting stamina meter depletes, Will/Astrid is more likely to have started to lower the gun on their own.  Previously, the gun would just start to sway, now they actually fully lower it  and place it in the cradled position which brings the muzzle down and around to the left.

If you are indeed hitting the animal, then it may be a loss of collision issue... that is, they are going right through the animal without harming it.  This could also be why my arrows were completely disappearing (likely under the snow, although in my case they were killing the rabbits.  I have noticed an inconsistency with the aiming of stones.  On one run I started, I literally couldn't miss a rabbit even when I intentionally threw the stone so that it would be about a foot off the mark.  On the next run I started, this effect wasn't there, but some of the stones would appear to go right through some of the rabbits without harming them at all.  I think it's possible that rifle aiming is varying the same way from playtrhough to playthrough (or player to player).

Well... that sucks. I hope it gets fixed. Shouldn't be that hard to get a lethal hit... or hit at all..

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On 5/12/2019 at 9:19 PM, Lithgow_Panther said:

Rabbits seem a LOT easier to hit with rocks now. Thank you so much.

I believe so. Since the update, I stoned 4 rabbits, all of them on first shot. It's a small sample to draw a solid conclusion, but that the feeling I get.

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25 minutes ago, Nogen said:

I believe so. Since the update, I stoned 4 rabbits, all of them on first shot. It's a small sample to draw a solid conclusion, but that the feeling I get.

Same here: hunting rabbits always was a 'hard' task... not anymore (and I appreciate it).

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I just wanted to say, after watching the update video. I've never considered that this game would be as good if it was loaded with guns. That's not to say there aren't a few that really fit the scheme of the game, the rifle and revolver both fit. Hunters use them often, just as well with the bow. The only other items of the type that might fit with the woodland feel, would be maybe a long double barrel, and possibly a crossbow. If we're talking in terms of hunting/what people out in the woods and rural communities would have on hand. Not to take away from the rest of the update, which looks great. I make a brand new save each time an update comes out, and the game is immersive enough that sometimes I even find myself shivering from the cold during a hunt while playing. It's a really great experience, and you folks are constantly on the ball when it comes to improvements. I've never regretted buying it, even in early release.

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As a note please do not post bug reports or technical issues in this thread. At this point those should go into the Technical Issues forum or better yet sent directly to our support team at

Thank you.

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Who is the voice in the video? Who ever it is you should do a video of just talking randomly. you got one of those asmr voices. Was hyper when i saw the update but the second i started listening and watching the video i went completely lax.


Also wooohooo to the update. Time to push further in my interloper save. Prob just start a whole new one after test running the new features.

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I have to say that the long dark really nailed the sizing and feeling of the revolver, a LOT of games either make the guns feel totally 2D and tiny or way too huge and screen filling, kudos to the designers of the revolver model, it's chunky and feels solid, heavy and dependable, but takes up the exact right amount of space on the screen, something SO MANY designers struggle with.

on another note, I usually play with my speakers quite high, so the game feels more immersive, and HOLY HELL the sound design for the shots really are perfect, I frightened myself a lot from accidentally firing while trying to open a trunk, not only is the sound design amazing, but that also really cements the "its not a shooter game, dont hold a gun all the time" feeling. really spectacular job. 

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I'm still getting overloaded with sprains. Tracking a deer blood trail over hilly ground with 25kg/35kg of gear, nearly full rest and I got two hand sprains within 30s of each other and another standing still on hilly terrain a few minutes later. 

It seems somewhat pointless following blood trails into the hills now. If I don't get the kill I may as well leave the deer running off and hope I find it later on flat ground, as the blood trail disappears if you don't continue to follow it.

I think I am just going to start a new run and turn off the sprain system, it's just draining my enjoyment of the game right now.

It's a shame, the old system seemed balanced in the sense that the sprains caught me by surprise, now I just know I am likely get one (or three) every time I walk on hilly terrain. There are a lot of places you need to get to walking on hills, the maps are large and many are hilly. 

I started this game on steadfast, before the sprains "fix" patch, perhaps my game is bugged or still using old values for the sprain system, as it seems there's been quite a bit of variation in reports of sprain frequency. Some people are getting lots and others aren't getting so many. I don't think my play style is all that "gung ho" when it comes to taking risks.

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On 5/17/2019 at 1:49 PM, Liofa said:

I'm still getting overloaded with sprains. Tracking a deer blood trail over hilly ground with 25kg/35kg of gear, nearly full rest and I got two hand sprains within 30s of each other and another standing still on hilly terrain a few minutes later. 

It seems somewhat pointless following blood trails into the hills now. If I don't get the kill I may as well leave the deer running off and hope I find it later on flat ground, as the blood trail disappears if you don't continue to follow it.

I think I am just going to start a new run and turn off the sprain system, it's just draining my enjoyment of the game right now.

It's a shame, the old system seemed balanced in the sense that the sprains caught me by surprise, now I just know I am likely get one (or three) every time I walk on hilly terrain. There are a lot of places you need to get to walking on hills, the maps are large and many are hilly. 

I started this game on steadfast, before the sprains "fix" patch, perhaps my game is bugged or still using old values for the sprain system, as it seems there's been quite a bit of variation in reports of sprain frequency. Some people are getting lots and others aren't getting so many. I don't think my play style is all that "gung ho" when it comes to taking risks.

Rhetorical Question - Are the sprains happening when you "turn your head."  My overall number of sprains has gone way down since the hotfix and are now down quite a bit even from before the steadfast update.  I used to get a ton of sprain while turning and, after the update but before the hotfix, I was getting a number of them on flat ground.  The thing they had most in common was that they would occur mostly while turning around or attempting to look to the side (since there is no actual mechanic for just turning the head).  I'm on the Xbox, so a thought I also had was that it had something to do with the controller sensitivity setting and I did adjust mine slightly.  Just a thought perhaps worth checking into if you're still having a problem.  Since the 1.50 hotfix, I've put in 62 days of play on two different characters and only received 2 sprains.

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Just today found the revolver, 10 days into a new survival game. Lots of near misses and a few moments I turned my console off before it could save when I was being attacked (one of which was a bear attack 😬) but really enjoy the new dynamics with this update. Now where’s my rifle?

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On 5/19/2019 at 2:08 PM, UpUpAway95 said:

Rhetorical Question - Are the sprains happening when you "turn your head."  My overall number of sprains has gone way down since the hotfix and are now down quite a bit even from before the steadfast update.  I used to get a ton of sprain while turning and, after the update but before the hotfix, I was getting a number of them on flat ground.  The thing they had most in common was that they would occur mostly while turning around or attempting to look to the side (since there is no actual mechanic for just turning the head).  I'm on the Xbox, so a thought I also had was that it had something to do with the controller sensitivity setting and I did adjust mine slightly.  Just a thought perhaps worth checking into if you're still having a problem.  Since the 1.50 hotfix, I've put in 62 days of play on two different characters and only received 2 sprains.

Mostly just walking up hills, I am in Mystery Lake and other threads seem to indicate that ML seems worse for strains than other zones. I hope so, because ML isn't even that hilly.

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