Hopless Rescue Fastest Time?


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@stapeliad  See the list below where you can find stims and how many maximum


Trapper's 1
Camp office  1
Derailment x 1
Two trailers in front of the dam. max 1
Carter Hydro x 1-2 (four places where it can be)
Radio Control Hut x 1-2 (four places where it can be)
Farmhouse  1-2
The Summit x 1-4
Abandoned Mine to Coastal Highway  always 1 (three places where it can be)


I used to find more stims in the farmhouse, but on my last 20 visits there I find them only in the first-aid kits, one in the office and one in the basement. I remember before I also found some in the toilets.

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Yesterday I finished my run which I started the day before yesterday and ... I made a new personal record  with 15h 51 minutes!
This is better as my previous record 15h 59m which I made before the last update..

I had ONLY 3 stims leaving the farmhouse, walked to the rope to TWM without double climb. Found only one stim at the summit and the one in the cave, all together 5 stims only. And I also found one energy drink in the summit. This is something between stim and coffee.

I recorded both days, but I am not sure if I deleted the one from the first day where I finished at the farmhouse. If I have time I shall upload it next week.

First of all I was super super lucky with the weather! First time I got hypothermia was on the lake in CH.

I have a "new" tactic how to handle the spraining's:

1) never use pain killers for spraining's

2) never heal wrist sprains until you are down from summit

3) on the big short cut in TWM: never heal any sprains until you are down from the summit


With this strategy you can probably not run during the short cut, but you will also use  two stims on the ropes where you can run. Down summit there is nothing to run.
After you got sprained two hands and two legs you will not get any further sprains.

Without this tactic you are healing sprains all the time and you will be out of bandage soon.

I heal all 4 spaining's when I am down the summit, so I also can use the flare gun to scare wolves away.

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4 minutes ago, Goodzilla said:

I made a new personal record  with 15h 51 minutes!

Well done!!!! This is an amazing time!! You see that dude, it CAN still be done. Wow man that feeling when you fire off the gun and watch that screen.... Nice work on the strategy there. All you need is a bit of luck, good weather and more stims lol. Congrats!

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35 minutes ago, Lohaan said:


Well done!!!! This is an amazing time!! You see that dude, it CAN still be done. Wow man that feeling when you fire off the gun and watch that screen.... Nice work on the strategy there. All you need is a bit of luck, good weather and more stims lol. Congrats!

You where absolutely right, just have to get along with the new update. With more stims that could have been a time under 15h! Yesterday I stareted Without again, I am just back in the garage from the first trip to DP.

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38 minutes ago, Lohaan said:


 Wow man that feeling when you fire off the gun and watch that screen

I use to check my time a lot (with the Tab you dont lose time) to compare my runs, however after the summit I always stopp doing it and let me surprise at the end. I knew that it would be a good time for "after" new update, but I had no idear it would beat my old record

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1 hour ago, Goodzilla said:

@Lohaan  what is your experiance with the energy drinks in speed runs?

If my stamina is down and I should drink a coffee and have to walk quite a lot before next stim, I used this new drink.

In my last run I took it in PV

So far I have used it in Whiteout to run across CH on the way back to the Quonset. There's a spawn in the Quonset where you start. I basically approach it as a coffee just like you. I have not completed a Whiteout yet, but had it not been for a bear that killed me last night, I would have probably done it. Damn bears. I've only done about 7 runs so far.  GO is a nice boost to get you there when you're low on coffee, which is one of my biggest problems for Whiteout at the moment. I really want to cook coffee in Hibernia when I'm looting so I have some for the way back, but I'm not having luck finding much coffee...still have to figure out the loot table for that one on Whiteout.

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Thank you!

Can I ask you with which program you are recording and what program do you use for cutting and formatting to mp4?

I recorded with windows and now GeForce and tried to fix them with Shotcut.... but it takes years to convert to mp4.....


yesterday I was so lucky with stims.... but I had to many wolf attacks and finally was killed by them.... I think I would have had 10 stims in total...

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I used Windows Movie Maker and saved to Hi Def, However, there is a problem in all 3 my uploads with the sounds. There is about a 20 minute section where the sound is distorting. I have the latest version of moviemaker so if I do another upload perhaps it will be better.


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Very funny, since yesterday I cannot record it with GeForce anymore, it says that GeForce do not support TLD?!?

However I recorded it with Windows and again I made a new personal best time in HP with 15h 15m!
this time also with only 7 stims and one energy drink.

I shall upload the video soon

(I upload it directly without cutting or fast forwards)

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Here it is:

There was nothing too special on this run: 7 stims in total and one energy drink.

I was quite lucky with the weather until end of PL on the way to the lighthouse, then a blizzard started in CH until the end.

I am now also very positive to beat the 15h mark, only little more stims or better weather.

Trapper's 1
Carter Hydro 1
Radio Control Hut 2 !
The Summit  2 + Energy drink
Abandoned Mine to Coastal Highway  1

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I have watched the first half of your run but I am a little bit distracted. However, one big difference I notice is the way we loot. I am wasting more time looting whereas you skip faster through the areas and neglect some of the areas I tend to loot. So this helps you save valuable minutes. I am worried about frostbite to always looking for that extra piece of clothing...or even that extra coffee. Also, you are more meticulous in counting how many coffees you need, whereas I lost one run to frostbite so I am paranoid about not having enough coffees to finish fast. I spend more time cooking at the summit. I will probably do some more HR once I get Whiteout and some more survival down. I have not done 1 HR since the update.

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It was also a long progress for me to learn not to loot (for speedruns). When I started to speedrun HR, I looted almost the whole dam until I realised how much time (2h in game) I needed. Then I stopped looting the first floor, later the other rooms , then the boxes, later the lockers and I stopped even to get the water from second toilet. Exactly same with other houses. Now I only take cloths that lay around, where I do not have to search through. This was one of the keys to get much better times.

Frostbite 2 (red) can be a problem also hypothermia 2 (red), but I only had this very few times. You will also get much less frostbite if you wear clothes on any part of the body, especially hands and head.

If you have 3 stims or more, 10 coffees cooked in the farmhouse is enough, 12 is better. At the summit I only warm them up (3-4 coffees)

Also the stims will push your heart-bar, only problem is if frostbite or hypothermia comes to lvl2, then the stamina is falling extremely quick, once I died in front of the lighthouse but this is a rerely pheomena.


BTW did you find any stim in the toilets of the farmhouse lately? I used to find them in the drawer and the first aid kid in the toilets but on my last 10-20 runs I could never find one

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I had a lucky stim run yesterday, I started in the morning an weather was snowy and cold, had frostbite long before the dam.

Found total 5 stims when I was in the farmhouse, weather changed and I found myself in a blizzard starting in TWM... and it was too much got frostbite lvl2 and still continued to see how many stims I would find at the summit, where I found 3 other stims!! But even with all the stims I had no chance to finish ...

Started another run,  with 7 stims in total, again blizzard came in CH and I made 15h 19m

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Really made it under 15h yesterday!! 7 stims in the farmhouse, all together 10 stims and one GO.

This was like.... impossible before and may be the first time happened in TLD?

I recorded it staring from the farmhouse (switched it also into English) and shall upload the video next weekend.

Trapper's 1
Camp office  0
Derailment x 1
Two trailers in front of the dam  0
Carter Hydro x 1
Radio Control Hut 2
Farmhouse  2
The Summit x 2 + GO
Abandoned Mine to Coastal Highway  always 1


I almost died at the end, it was hyper dramatically after the third wolf attack I thought it is over, I was so nervous... and really almost died..just a few minutes later and it would have been over. As TLD knows I  could beat the 15h they send me  wolves everywhere.



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Unfortunately I did not record the run until farmhouse, as I mentioned before I found the stims here:

Trapper's 1
Derailment x 1
Carter Hydro x 1
Radio Control Hut 2
Farmhouse  2
The Summit x 2 + GO
Abandoned Mine to Coastal Highway  always 1

The first wolf attack was in CH, a wolf suddenly appears behind a hill at the waterfront cottages, and another two at DP.
Also one wolf followed me over the whole lake, even I used two stims there.
Almost dead at the lighthouse ... so lucky with the last wolf attack, I thought it is over... and I was so nervous that I shoot my second last flare shot in the wrong direction

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