I want to make these forums better & I need Your help


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Hi! Thank you for clicking in! Ive recently got an idea on how to liven these forums up a little bit.

As you may or may not know, there are many options to customize the forums, and many different functions that most forum members just dont use. I think that is a pity.

So, with your help, I would like to entice our fellow forum members to start using some of these functions more, and for that to work, I need your help!

Since there are many functions, I thought that it would be best if we started slowly, by taking advantage of our own profile pages, and our personal feeds that can be found there. This is a way to send your fellow forum member a message directly, but also have it visible by others on their feed page.


As of right now, me and @kristaok are the only people taking advantage of this function, and I gotta say, I think its a neat function, especially if you want to write about your current ongoing TLD experiences, without a need to create a topic for it or post it as a comment on an already existing topic. But, to take full advantage of this feature, you will need to follow a couple of your fellow forum members, and have some forum members follow you back. To make that happen, lets turn this into a "sort of a game" and set up some rules for this thread:

Step 1 - setting up your Forum Index, and getting more followers!

Before we can proceed, find the top right corner of forums, your name & avatar, and click on it. This sends you to your Forum Index page - your Profile on forums. Make it look pretty with a cool cover picture.

Step 1 - Rules:
If you follow my profile page, I will follow yours in return.
If you post a comment on this topic, I will follow you.
(I would be happy if you followed back, but I will keep that decision up to you)
If somebody follows you, consider following them back. (you should, it is a polite thing to do)

Found a couple of forum members & followed them? Great! Now, you should have noticed that you get notifications if they post. Now, if this is something that bothers you - no problem, you can turn these notifications off in your Manage followed content menu, specifically under Members. There, you can change notification preferences for all the people you follow.

Now, we can move over to Step 2.

Step 2 - take advantage of Status updates!

Every time you feel like sharing something with your fellow forum members but don't feel like turning it into a post, or a comment, use your profile page instead! For example - are you playing TLD right now, and wanna share what happened in there with others, but dont wanna make a lengthy post on it in Survival stories? This is the perfect situation for your status updates. It is literally what this page was designed for. Now, you can share your everyday TLD stories with all your followers, you can discuss them, or you can go on a profile page of a different user, and send them a message there. They will see it, and so will everyone else who visits their page. That way, you can send a "public message" to a specific forum member without the need to create a specific topic and tagging them in it.

Step 2 - Rules:
If anything interesting happens in your TLD encounters, write about it on your profile wall! 
If your fellow members write something on their wall, vote on it, or reply, if you have something to say! 
Use your Forum Index and Forum Indexes of other forum members to have discussions together!
If you wanna send a public message to a specific Forum member, write it in their Status update page.


Step 3 - taking Status updates to the next level!

If you got this far, I am really impressed, and thank you! It was not for nothing! This next page is purely optional, but I recommend it. Now we will be using different forum setting - the Activity streams! Specifically, we will create a personal Activity stream that shows ALL status updates, written by everyone on these forums! In your top left corner, click on Activity, then Activity streams, and click "Create new stream". Now, name it Status updates, and in the Content types, select "Status updates". For default view, select "Condensed". You can customize it more to your liking, but these two parts are all that you need to change to be able to see everyone (not only people you follow, but everyone" post their Status updates. Now, every time you want to check on the new Status updates, click the Activity - Activity streams - Status updates. You can also use Activity streams to create new options to view forums as well... for example, create an activity stream that displays topics, created by you - to keep tabs on all the topics you have made.

Step 3 - Rules:
Set up the Status update Activity stream as per the instructions above.
Check Status updates via My activity streams option on the top left corner of the forums - Activities.

Thank you for your time! Together, we can make these forums even better!

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Guest kristaok

Great Idea! :D

PS. I am working on what you said, doing my Status Updates, and Following some folks. :) 

Warning a lot of my Updates are probably boring heh heh. :P I am not the best when it comes to writing these things, but I try.

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