Fishing, broken lines, and fatigue


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Quick question, are fishing lines more likely to break when you are tired?  I was traveling around Mystery Lake and stayed out a bit too late without my bed roll.  Ended up staying awake all night by a cozy fire.  Next morning after I hiked back to the lake office I decided to catch a few fish for breakfast before nap time.  I figured 2 hours ought to do it but it didn't go so well.  First two hour fishing attempt got cut in half with a broken line and no fish.  I manged two more broken lines and only two fish with a few more one hour fishing sessions.  And I am at level two fishing and this was my absolute worst outing at fishing.   Other than chance, I can only imagine that my fatigue level at the time (I was at less than twenty five percent) factored in.

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Yikes, that is bad luck then.  IIRC, I'm suppose to have an 8% chance of a line break on a catch.  I had 3 breaks out of 5 then.  That's a 60% fail rate.  It reminds me, when early in the game, I have a 70% chance of building a fire and it still takes me 3 attempts to get it lit (always hate the waste of matches)  :-(    At least there isn't a way for me to mess up chopping up branches for firewood <cut scene to this evening where I get attacked by wolves when chopping wood>

I also roll poorly in D&D  ;-P

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