New Skills - Gear & Ressource Suggestions


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New Skills:

  • Extract fibers from plants - maybe existing plants like the Maple Sapling
  • Making cloth from fibers
  • Extract & refine wax - from bayberry plants
  • Poison - extracted from poisonous berries
  • Extract salt from saltwater
  • Cutting down trees - the higher level the bigger tree you can cut

New Gear:

  • Slingshot - made from sticks & rubber (rubber harvested from say rubber boots or rubber trees) - at workbench
  • Sleighs - made of fir wood & metal (Can not be carried in inventory & can only be outside - slows you down considerably) - at Forge
  • Snowshoes - made of wood and string - in inventory
  • Skiis - made of planks & wax (made from Bayberry plants) - at workbench
  • Bone knife - made from animal bones & cloth, so nothing goes to waste - at workbench
  • A proper axe - to cut down trees - smaller at first then bigger the higher level you get - at forge
  • Nails - for whatever use, you use nails for, lol - at forge

New Ressources:

  • Berries - both eatable & poisonous
  • Bayberry plants
  • Rubber trees - even though not natural to Canada
  • Salt - to preserve meat for longer time
  • Eatable mushrooms - found in caves growing on the walls & hard to spot
  • Squirrels - not so much for the meat, but for the tail to add on rabbits hat or other hats

Other things:

  • When harvesting the lantern, we can take the Firestriker out to have for later use.  (credit DystOptimist on Twitch)
  • We should eventually be able to make a small cabin or something similar with the trees, we cut down. Only for the "endgamers" keeping a survival mode going for 3000-5000 in-game days.

This is just a brainstorm wishlist....

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/10/2019 at 10:20 PM, WowDane said:

Poison - extracted from poisonous berries

As most people kill creatures in TLD for meat, contaminating it with poison would not be a good idea. Except possibly if you were killing a wolf, in which case you wouldn't have time to apply poison.

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