November 26th Update


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Personally I like the update. It has both ideas from the community, and ideas we haven't thought of.

For the new First Aid UI, it kind of stands out a bit and looks very different from everything else. But I can tell it's just a small part of what they're planning to do (It's obvious they're going to add changes later on) so I'm fine with it.

I'm fine with the new Struggle mechanics, as it makes what to do a bit more clear.

I like what they did to the containers. Kitchens and just places in general look more realistic.

The only thing I don't like is the new title/logo. It's boring, and why is there an axe? We don't even have an axe in the game yet from what I've seen. But yeah, it's plain and just doesn't hold the soul of the game like the old one did. (Old one meaning the one at the top of this website) It just doesn't seem The Long Dark to me.

What do you guys think?

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I haven't encountered any struggles yet, only played briefly so far, so my input on most of it isn't developed yet (will say more in a day or two). However I do like the features added that I've seen, and I agree the old logo was better. The med part looked like it was a bit too much, however I guess it will all depend on the overall end design.

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The only thing I don't like is the new title/logo. It's boring, and why is there an axe? We don't even have an axe in the game yet from what I've seen. But yeah, it's plain and just doesn't hold the soul of the game like the old one did. (Old one meaning the one at the top of this website) It just doesn't seem The Long Dark to me.

What do you guys think?

I found a hatchet in the Hydro Dam :)

I think the new logo captures the lonely and bleak aspects of the game quite well.

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Could also be a nod to The Hatchet, by Gary Paulsen, a wilderness survival novel that the devs have mentioned is an influence on the game. And yes, there is a hatchet in-game that can be used for various purposes, like foraging firewood, harvesting meat (more effective than the hunting knife when the corpse is frozen), opening cans or cracking ice in a fishing hut...

I like the update. The revamped First Aid section in particular has caught my attention, with its anatomical diagrams and the ability to access the various medicines you have available right in the first aid screen (looking in your kit--I like that detail too).

I've already had some fun ice-fishing, and I'm looking forward to getting these new achievements!

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