Longfen range


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1-Naming and localization of the Longfen Range:

Longfen Range connects Pleasant Valley to Timberwolf Mountain:


2-Basic plan and locations:



Black lines are cliffs

Blue lines are iced up rivers

Red lines are ropes(the arrows indicate the highest side)

The thick gray lines are roads

The thin gray line is the mountaineer's trail

Blue dots are fishing huts

Small black dots are frozen corpses

Green lines are subterranean location 

3-Lore and locations:(examples of loot for voyageur)

Longfen range is a intermediate region harder than ML,CH,CrH but easier than DP or BR its general weather scheme is a mix between that of PL and TWM so blizzards,blizzards,cold fog,cold and clear weather and some more blizzards for good measure.   

A-Upper valley:
A small farming hamlet with mediocre loot(jeans,sport socks,granola bars...)

B-Mountaineer's village:
Lore:The mountaineer's village served as a base camp for the mountaineer's wanting to climb Timberwolf Mountain(you will find a note referencing the one on Timberwolf)
An other small hamlet this time  made out of trailers,good loot(Trail boots,fleece mittens,ski jackets,MRE,rope,snow pants,...) and crafting table

C-Mountaineer's cache:
A small hut resembling mountaineer's hut on TWM but filled up with big industrial containers piled up in it,FABULOUS loot (MRE,snow pants,ski jackets,more rope,cans,ski gloves,...) no crafting table(this is because the location would be OP if you didn't need to go out at some point)

D-Weather station:
A small square concrete building with an aerial sticking out of it,the inside is filled up with a bunk bed,a bunch of lockers and a table,mediocre loot(paper,sodas,candy bars,...)

E-Nose section:
Lore of the lore:P:This idea came to me when I saw @Raphael van Lierop answer that the nose section of the plane on TWM was in an other region.
The front section of the plane that crashed on TWM(Grizzly air lines flight 14\15\12\20\3\11) filled with dead people and lockers,mediocre loot(candy bars,matches,fleece mittens...)

Special thanks to the people who reacted on my previous region: Allappa bay: @Mroz4k, @s7mar7in , @k0s0ff , @DarKube , @gnomegnine , @MarrowStone , @jeffpeng , @Moll , @Pillock , @Fuarian (in no particular order)

Thank you for reading



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I like the idea of setting up a place where the nose section can be found. And a weather station is really cool!

I'd like to think that maybe this side of the range has a major glacier that you navagate through and upwards with ice caves and rope. The river you see below TWM would then actually start here and be going from right -> left on this map.

I like the linear nature of the map where further right=harsher but closer to good loot, but the single route of ropes leaves us without any interesting player choices. If we had to traverse a glacier to get to the weather station with maybe a "thin ice" mechanic where if it breaks we fall and teleport into a cravasse/tunnel underneath with bruising and possible sprained ankles would be really cool!



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