Does Foot Wear Affect Sprain Probability?

Ice Hole

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Does the foot wear affect the probability of an ankle sprain ?

It makes rational sense that hiking boots on the trail would offer greater protection from ankle sprains compared to running shoes.  But is this being reflected in the game.  I am asking this because before putting on hiking boots I was getting sprains like crazy. 

I see no way to verify this other than inspecting code or developer information. 


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Guest kristaok

I don't know personally, but I heard it does. What I do know is that I use those hiking boots, and sometimes those insulated boots and I rarely get sprains. 

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I'm actually wondering how do sprain mechanics in general work. I've had a couple of instances of randomly walking through the wilderness, minding my own business, and suddenly out of freaking nowhere snaaappp! sprained ankl... wait what? Sprained wrist? How? It just boggles my mind how does the character sprain their wrist while walking straight :D 

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19 minutes ago, Critical switch said:

suddenly out of freaking nowhere snaaappp! sprained ankl... wait what? Sprained wrist?

What about standing still and just moving the mouse to look left and wham double sprains.  Have not seen that problem in a while but I noticed that odd behavior from earlier this year.

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Guest jeffpeng
1 hour ago, Ice Hole said:

Does the foot wear affect the probability of an ankle sprain ?

No. It definitely does not.

25 minutes ago, Critical switch said:

I'm actually wondering how do sprain mechanics in general work.

For every angular degrees of slope above a certain threshold you are currently walking on the chance to contract sprains rises linearly. So lets say that threshold is 20 deg if your slope is 30 deg your chance is 10 times an internal chance multiplier. If you slope is 40 deg, your chance is 20 times the same multiplier - e.g. double the chance. That you actually have those mystery sprains is mostly due to having very bad luck on very short (and sometimes rather obscure) slopes that barely surpass said threshold. The reason we perceive those as "bugs" is because the entire system is chance based. You can run over 45 deg slope for an hour and get by unscathed, and stumble over a very small portion that is above the threshold and get sprains.

The fact that wrist sprains occur(ed ?) from such instances is (probably) not intended and at least at the time before redux was due something that looked like a coding oversight.

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Guest jeffpeng
11 minutes ago, Ice Hole said:

What about standing still and just moving the mouse to look left and wham double sprains.  Have not seen that problem in a while but I noticed that odd behavior from earlier this year.

Turning technically moves the character so it is considered "walking".

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1 hour ago, jeffpeng said:

No. It definitely does not.

For every angular degrees of slope above a certain threshold you are currently walking on the chance to contract sprains rises linearly. So lets say that threshold is 20 deg if your slope is 30 deg your chance is 10 times an internal chance multiplier. If you slope is 40 deg, your chance is 20 times the same multiplier - e.g. double the chance. That you actually have those mystery sprains is mostly due to having very bad luck on very short (and sometimes rather obscure) slopes that barely surpass said threshold. The reason we perceive those as "bugs" is because the entire system is chance based. You can run over 45 deg slope for an hour and get by unscathed, and stumble over a very small portion that is above the threshold and get sprains.

The fact that wrist sprains occur(ed ?) from such instances is (probably) not intended and at least at the time before redux was due something that looked like a coding oversight.

Oh wow! Thanks, that makes a lot of sense and in retrospect I think it did happen while walking on sloped terrain. And yeah, I managed to sprain my wrist twice in the past two days just by walking. 

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2 hours ago, Critical switch said:

And yeah, I managed to sprain my wrist twice in the past two days just by walking. 

I think that when you sprain your wrist while walking it basically means that your character falls and sprains his/her wrist but there just aren't animations for that.

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Guest jeffpeng
10 hours ago, Mixxut said:

I think that when you sprain your wrist while walking it basically means that your character falls and sprains his/her wrist but there just aren't animations for that.

RvL has stated multiple times that spraining your wrist is not intended in this context. As a result of a fall or struggle - yes. But not as a result of just walking slopes.

2 hours ago, peteloud said:

Recently I have taken to walking straight down steep snow slopes instead of taking a less steep diagonal course.  This seems to have reduced sprains.  Has anyone else found this?

Makes sense that it would. The path perpendicular to the slope is shorter than a path diagonally to it, and the risk of spraining increases with every step you take.

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4 hours ago, jeffpeng said:

Another thing to note is that being exhausted, encumbered and/or running increases the chance quite significantly.


7 hours ago, peteloud said:

Recently I have taken to walking straight down steep snow slopes instead of taking a less steep diagonal course.  This seems to have reduced sprains.

Very solid information for goaters to know. I suspected as much.  The herd thanks you for the confirmation.

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What I wanna know is, does having a weapon drawn increase the wrist sprain chance? This makes sense, but I can't say that I have a good feel for this. Once I've got the bow or a flare gun, I'm walking armed almost all the time. And when I'm unarmed, who cares about a sprained wrist.

Anyone know or feel they've observed this clearly?

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Anecdotal sprain insights:

  • Sprain likeliness increases with tiredness, encumbrance and how bad for your plans a sprain would be right now.
  • Because dumb luck means a long steep hike can go smoothly while a bump in the road sprains an ankle, the best route is always the one where you carry rose-hip tea / painkillers.
  • I've never sprained anything while crouching.
  • Ironically, you can take on any terrain with no fear of sprain once you've sprained everything. You'd think those sprained ankles might hold you back but nope..!
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I've tripped before and sprained my wrist irl, so its not impossible.

Ive noticed that wildly turning my camera while on a slope seems to increase my chances significantly. Ive taken to zig-zagging down but turning my camera smoothly and slowly down slopes. Hardly get 'em now. 

Wearing boots and staying unencumberd/well rested helps.

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9 hours ago, MarrowStone said:

Ive noticed that wildly turning my camera while on a slope seems to increase my chances significantly.

On 12/28/2018 at 6:52 PM, jeffpeng said:

Turning technically moves the character so it is considered "walking".

That is exactly what happened to me.  Now the in game mouse sensitivity has been adjusted and looking is done less with my mouse.   I have been noticing less sprains.

The mouse acceleration could also have an impact but I have not experimented with that yet.

9 hours ago, MarrowStone said:

Wearing boots

Apparently this has no effect.  I was very surprised to learn this.  I do not know too much about Jeff but it seems he is certain.


On 12/28/2018 at 6:50 PM, jeffpeng said:
On 12/28/2018 at 5:01 PM, Ice Hole said:

Does the foot wear affect the probability of an ankle sprain ?

No. It definitely does not.


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Guest jeffpeng
On 1/7/2019 at 10:46 AM, Dan Lipscomb said:

What I wanna know is, does having a weapon drawn increase the wrist sprain chance?

It does not.

On 1/7/2019 at 2:52 PM, Stone said:

Sprain likeliness increases with tiredness, encumbrance and how bad for your plans a sprain would be right now.

The first part is true, and the second part is just Murphy's Law. :D

On 1/7/2019 at 2:52 PM, Stone said:

I've never sprained anything while crouching.

Interesting observation. Not sure if this is actually true.

10 hours ago, MarrowStone said:

Wearing boots and staying unencumberd/well rested helps.

As stated before footwear really has no impact, but encumberance and rest are indeed a factor.

55 minutes ago, Ice Hole said:

I do not know too much about Jeff but it seems he is certain.

I am ;-)

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  • 3 months later...


Steadfast Ranger update brought an overhaul to the sprain system.  The original question might have a different response now.

Does the clothing item being worn by the character affect the probability of sprain?



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  • 3 months later...
  On 1/8/2019 at 3:33 PM, jeffpeng said:

As stated before footwear really has no impact

On 1/8/2019 at 9:49 PM, MarrowStone said:

Then that would be unintentional and should be reported as a bug. Sprainchance being affected by boots is something I KNOW the devs have stated. 

Could there be some resolution to this question:

does the clothing item being worn by the character affect the probability of sprain?


There seems to be some conjecture as neither statement has been proved.  Even after the update to the sprain system there is still no response.  If there is no indication in the change logs or road map that clothing can affect sprains then by logic the answer is probably no.

Maybe this question of whether clothing affects sprain chance will be answered Soon™.


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Guest jeffpeng

Would be appreciated to get an official statement. I haven't "looked into" the matter since the update, so I don't know if foot wear affects sprain chance or not as of today. What I do agree upon is that it indeed should matter. Also same with hands. Wearing big, sturdy, heavy gloves should have some sprain protection over wearing a pair of mittens.

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