Think you're good at TLD? Try the DEADMAN CHALLENGE


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5 hours ago, Tyber_gsk said:


Allready made 23 days, aming deer pans and boots now, i have a bow, 4 knifes, 6 arrows i'm set for long term survival..


Well done! Four knives, eh? I like your optimism.


3 hours ago, Simone Else said:

ill give this a shot i like to think i know what im doing. i will share the results 

Cool.. looking forward to hearing how you go.

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just a quick update so far.

i was spawned in at the coastal highway on the rail tracks.  it was just before dark and clear skies with a tint of green so i thought aurora...


i decided i would try to make it to the dam before dark because i knew i could sleep in the trailer and being the dam i figured id get some loot.

well i made it to the trailer but it was dark out so i slept till morning. i woke up  thirsty and hungry, i went into the dam and right to the toilet. got some water and looted the entire dam and got very little food.

i think after work today ill try to get to pleasant valley


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Well my second attempt at Deadman has ended at 23 days 4 hours and 24 mins. My guy died at the top of the rope climb just after the Timberwolf mountain cave near the three way cave. He originally spawned in the middle of the dark in mystery lake near the clearcut and pretty much got barked at within a minute and I nearly threw the run away then but decided to try to outrun the wolf . My first attempt I lasted about 4 hours so I'm pretty happy with how I went.

I got to the mountaineers hut on just on 17% condition and pretty much had 4 blizzards over the next 3 days. I was stuck in the cave eating all my cattails, tinned food and drinking all my coffee and tea for more than 24 hours as the weather made it very clear that it was very annoyed that I was there.  Pretty much back to back blizzards with only a small break in the freezing part of the morning.

In my 23 days there were 10 blizzards survived apparently. I made a bunch of mistakes. I managed to forge all the tools and 8 arrow heads at the Riken but I never managed to make a bow. I left the maple curing in the dam thinking that I would duck into pleasant valley chasing calories and better pants. and come back in 5 days time to grab it. Pleasant valley had other ideas and tried to freeze and starve my to death too. With the bow I may have had much better access to calories. Every stop on the way from the farmhouse to where I died I would stumble in with no food and only get to eat what I found or kill and eat some rabbits. I decided to try Timberwolf as it was the only direction I could go with food left as ML and CH I'd already tapped out of the easy places.

I haven't really played a lot of interloper - several current runs and my longest lived is an ongoing run which has lived for 79 days. I think its interesting that as I'm not a veteran interloper player I wasnt really yet in the habit of starving my guy and driving his temp into the ground. I tended to try to keep my characters nice and warm and well fed previously so when it came to deadman and didn't have so many things to unlearn. I did watch a couple of deadman videos and read this thread and Drifter Mans run so was pretty much following all the advice I could find. I think playing deadman has taught me to be able to take a lot more risks and move quickly.

I'd like to try one with a tiny bit of health regen. stumbling around for a while under 10% and not being able to get it back was tough.

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oh... and I had 2 deer carcasses disappear on me. I passed them and sought shelter thinking I'd leave them for later and when I came back they had gone. One was 2.5kg one in Desolation Point and the other was near cave on Timberwolf where I was blizzarded in starving. I was pretty devateated on both occasions. Do deer carcasses just disappear sometimes?

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lol i never made it to pleasant valley, froze to death.  ill try it again and hopefully find some matches, thats why i died.. i couldnt make a fire.  really surprised the dam didnt have any.   i think i should have headed for the coastal highway instead of going to mystery lake.

fun challlenge i enjoyed it something to do while waiting for the next update

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On 10/14/2018 at 10:31 AM, DaveMcD said:

oh... and I had 2 deer carcasses disappear on me. I passed them and sought shelter thinking I'd leave them for later and when I came back they had gone. One was 2.5kg one in Desolation Point and the other was near cave on Timberwolf where I was blizzarded in starving. I was pretty devateated on both occasions. Do deer carcasses just disappear sometimes?

Happened to me already in Coastal Highway, on deers killed by wolves on ice (after 2days of blizzard), never on regular deer spawned as a carcass.

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9 minutes ago, BareSkin said:

Happened to me already in Coastal Highway, on deers killed by wolves on ice (after 2days of blizzard), never on regular deer spawned as a carcass.

The DP one was along the high path from the Mine to the church and was there on first entering the zone so wouldn't be convinced it was a wolf kill off screen before you get there. The second was was a fixed possible deer just after crossing the log bridge across echo ravine. 

I've had the deer carcass at the Dam magically pop in and out of existence at different points in an interloper run. i.e. harvest some meat go inside to stop freezing, come back out its gone, go do stuff, come back and its back again. At the time I thought this was just a bug with this particular deer and was no big deal cos it came back and I could continue harvesting... in Deadman mode though - ouch, its brutal missing out on those calories.

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On 10/15/2018 at 12:31 AM, DaveMcD said:

oh... and I had 2 deer carcasses disappear on me. I passed them and sought shelter thinking I'd leave them for later and when I came back they had gone. One was 2.5kg one in Desolation Point and the other was near cave on Timberwolf where I was blizzarded in starving. I was pretty devateated on both occasions. Do deer carcasses just disappear sometimes?

Since you mentioned how much meat one had, I'm guessing you examined them both, but decided against harvesting right then?

I suspect that maybe what's happening is that once you've checked the carcass, there's limited time to harvest. If you just walk past without touching them, they likely will stay in the world indefinitely.

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1 minute ago, JAFO said:

Since you mentioned how much meat one had, I'm guessing you examined them both, but decided against harvesting right then?

I suspect that maybe what's happening is that once you've checked the carcass, there's limited time to harvest. If you just walk past without touching them, they likely will stay in the world indefinitely.

Definitely touched the 2.5 carcass, then went and looted Hibernia and forged etc. Maybe 2-3 days later I came back. The TWM one I ran right by without touching and came back in less than 12 hours.

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26 minutes ago, DaveMcD said:

Definitely touched the 2.5 carcass, then went and looted Hibernia and forged etc. Maybe 2-3 days later I came back. The TWM one I ran right by without touching and came back in less than 12 hours.


That said, there are definitely a number of bugs associated with carcasses in the current version.. as reported above (and witnessed by many other people), carcasses (wolves as well as deer) vanish and reappear willy-nilly, even when they're meant to be gone for good. Hopefully this will be addressed in the December update.

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I started a 3rd attempt, spawned in broken railroad - big nope - hightailed it out of there through some very bear noised fog back to Spences in the Skeg. Escaped the next day freezing and exhausted with bears and wolves chasing me and was doing ok at 74% condition until I somehow stepped in my fire - the audio complaints (apart from when you do an useless treatment) seem be turned off so I didn't know for ages that i'd been burnt and had lost an extra 10% :( I'm pretty burnt up about it (pun intended). Currently in the camp office with only 3 matches left about 8L water and bunch of dodgy canned food. 62% 2 days survived (over real 4 days) - Drifter man I most definitely am not I swear he'd still be above 64% after a month and with a pocketful of stims.

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3 hours ago, DaveMcD said:

the audio complaints (apart from when you do an useless treatment) seem be turned off so I didn't know for ages that i'd been burnt and had lost an extra 10% :( I'm pretty burnt up about it (pun intended)

Yeah.. the audio complaints were disabled in this mode because (I believe) otherwise the whining from your character would never stop..

Major bummer in your particular situation, though!

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16 hours ago, DaveMcD said:

Drifter man I most definitely am not I swear he'd still be above 64% after a month and with a pocketful of stims.

I don't exactly bet on my survivor keeping his condition constant for a whole month, either :D

12 hours ago, JAFO said:

Yeah.. the audio complaints were disabled in this mode because (I believe) otherwise the whining from your character would never stop..

On the contrary - Deadman has to be well maintained to keep going and therefore shouldn't complain often. I miss the monologue that updates me about the status of my survivor, but Deadman rules are Deadman rules, so I keep them off.

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5 hours ago, Drifter Man said:

On the contrary - Deadman has to be well maintained to keep going and therefore shouldn't complain often. I miss the monologue that updates me about the status of my survivor, but Deadman rules are Deadman rules, so I keep them off.

I may be mis-remembering what @Kinnasmash (or someone else) said on the subject. Keep in mind that the whole thing started out as a prank on a friend. So it may well be that it was turned off specifically to give the player less feedback.

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20 hours ago, JAFO said:

I may be mis-remembering what @Kinnasmash (or someone else) said on the subject. Keep in mind that the whole thing started out as a prank on a friend. So it may well be that it was turned off specifically to give the player less feedback.

Yes, it was to make it so that you aren't reminded to do anything, you have to actually watch your stats. Also the complaining gets really old after about 10 minutes, so if I make a custom mode it always has the whining off. It's not that hard to press tab...

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BareSkin12- D1 [DeadMan 8MHI-/z8M-Dw+/-wSWm-bAAA] [Cold Fusion][FreeRunner][random start]

Random spawn brings me at the coldest hour, pre-dawn near some vast iced water. Coastal Highway? I grab a stone, and let’s go!

Hum, this is not coastal highway. There’s a small bay with a deer, it resembles Crumbling Highway maybe. Bad souvenirs, lots of weak ice and wolves involved, and no exit to be found in Hopless Rescue.

Oh no, there’s the lighthouse: Desolation Point. I guess it’s the nearest shelter and bed, and I’m surprised there is no wolf here, it’s usually packed with them at the bridge entrance. I’ll take some time/warmth to herd the deer in front of me, you know, just in case.


I sprint since my tempbar is already nearly finish, I’m lucky the deer is cooperative and goes straight to the road, clearing the way for me.

Or so I thought. When I arrive at the road from the ice, I get attacked by a wolf who jumps on me literally after microseconds. For whatever reason, the deadman wolves don't like deers. I survive the struggle, and end up with 14% health. The blood loss creates a second bark, again in microseconds. While trying to escape down hill, I go “airbone” and the wolf attack stops.

On my way to the Lighthouse, I fade into the long dark on the ice, from the freezing red temperature bar. 24 minutes. That was quick.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Ouch, just lost my Deadman 3 on Day 5 (3 days survived) to an instant attack wolf patrol on the path coming down from the lookout tower in ML. I've never even seen a wolf on this path before. Rounded a blind corner and there he was - insta-growl and attack, no weapons was on 62%.

There's a chance I accidentally scent trailed the wolf up there as I took a rabbit from the valley before going up the slope, but had cooked it and slept an hour before coming back down.

The wolves I had encountered on this run were a lot more deadly than on my 23 Day run. Earlier I had double wolves coming out of the FM to ML train tunnel. One of them was high up on the first hill near the tracks and he spotted me from way further than a closer wolf and sprinted straight towards me, had to light an emergency fire behind a tree in near blizzard conditions to scare it off.

So far my attempts have lasted 1 Day, 23 days and now 3 Days.

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On 14/10/2018 at 8:31 AM, DaveMcD said:

oh... and I had 2 deer carcasses disappear on me. I passed them and sought shelter thinking I'd leave them for later and when I came back they had gone. One was 2.5kg one in Desolation Point and the other was near cave on Timberwolf where I was blizzarded in starving. I was pretty devateated on both occasions. Do deer carcasses just disappear sometimes?

If you 'interact' with a carcass (even if it's just to check how much meat there is, without harvesting anything) the carcass starts to decay. If you don't touch them, they should stay where they are.

I'm not sure if custom settings affect the rate of decay of spawned carcasses like the can do for general loot items, but you can be pretty sure that if they do, the decay is set to the fastest possible rate in Deadman!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Deadman: 100 days and counting.

The initial setup (30-50 days) is hard, but once you overcome it, it becomes almost as easy as normal Interloper. I see no reason why one could not survive indefinitely (or until the day comes and deadman gets wolfed).

The 30-day mark was chosen well for this challenge.


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  • 2 months later...
On 9/11/2018 at 10:44 AM, TheEldritchGod said:

4. Cabin Fever isn't a thing on this run, because that's the result of custom settings. Ignore it.

as of the hotfix tonight this doesn't seem to be true anymore. just got cabin fever risk on my 55 day deadman for the first time :(

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