Is there a prototype for the expedition park in the game?


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22 hours ago, todd1984 said:

"Canada Goose" expedition parka whether it is a prototype?

Can you be a little more clear on what you are asking? I cannot make sense of what you are trying to ask us.  

It seems like you want us to be able to dress up like a Canada Goose? Which... no thanks. I have a feeling we don;t see them in the game is because the bears have killed and eaten every single goose there was. And I don't want to look like the chef's special to any bears that may be wandering around. 


Caution- the following video may be a bit graphic for really small children or sensitive folks:

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Now, if you are asking about the clothing company brand out of Toronto... I am not sure Hinterland has legal permission from that company to use their brand name or design of any of their parkas. 

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