Terrible FPS but only in Hushed River Valley


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Issue: framerate is in single digits when in HRV region (and only that region).

Specs: Mid 2011 iMAc // 2.5GHz i5 // Radeon HD 6750M 512 MB // 12GB RAM

It's an old machine but it still gives serviceable FPS. I used to have the exact FPS drop issue in the past but it was more local – only when turning viewport towards a certain spot in the map; or it was temporary; or it could be fixed by lowering texture resolution. But now most of HRV region is affected, making it unplayable.

In the screenshot is the direction I can look where I get normal FPS. Moving the screen even 45° would kill it.  It's not game's files (started right after updating) and it's not the settings either.

screen_(270, 109, 1210)_522b40d8-bd00-44f7-9c41-da89e11e33b2.png

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Guest Support

Hi @Eames, thanks for your post. Thats interesting that the issue seems to be limited to one location.

We see that your game has been modded -- unfortunately we are not able to provide support for modded games as alterations to the game's files can have unintended and unpredictable effects.

However if you haven't done so yet, you could try rebooting your system and checking that both your Operating System and Graphics Card drivers are fully up-to-date. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/21/2018 at 1:24 PM, Eames said:

Mods situation is understandable but it's happening even without mods (after a validation).

You should probably send them your output log from an unmodded and validated run of the game, since support took the easy out due to your screen shot....

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