Problem clearing carcasses


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There is an area in ML, near the cave that leads to Milton where, I find problem with removing carcasses.5b72a937be770_DeadDear-ML.thumb.png.a342bd77d1ef98ac0985b2dd9f181f48.png

I have shot 5 deer there over a period of time.  Usually the area is clear of the carcasses, but every now and again the carcasses of the deer re-appear.

There is also a problem with running deer being stuck in that tree in the image.  Once they are stuck I can walk up to it, taken a close range shot and kill it then take its meat etc., but that's a bit if a cheat.

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I've seen this behavior off and on since Vigilant Flame.  Sometimes a carcass will reappear after going inside and back out or when restarting the game.  At least I've never been able to re-harvest a carcass or get more out of it than I should, so I've just ignored them.  I've seen it in various regions.

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