Shortest run yet


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I've never been to Broken Railroad before, so I thought I'd start a new game there, just to see what it was like. I put it on voyager, just so I can look around but still get some challenge out of it. Might have been a mistake.

Spawned in on an unnamed frozen waterway, so I followed a bit of a riverbed until I came to a patch of trees. Went around a corner and was charged by a moose out of the blue. Never saw it coming. So after standing up from that, wrapping 2 bandages and popping 4 painkillers I managed to stumble around a bit, still having no bearings on where I was or where I was going. Lucky me a blizzard set in about that time. I managed to see the maintenance yard, with less than 10% health and near hypothermia. I got inside, rummaged around a bit, got a fire going, rested for about 4 hours (only 116 more to go on those broken ribs!) then went out again to find more firewood. Met a pack of wolves. The end.

I think I lasted less than 12 hours total. I'm sure there was more I could have done to salvage the situation, but I was unfamiliar with the map, beaten down by a moose, and frozen by a blizzard.

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I really feel you. The Maintenance Yard is infested with wolves, so it is not the best place indeed to heal your broken ribs in Broken Railroad. Perhaps you'd have had more chance of surviving if you had found the Hunter's Lodge (pass the small wooden bridge by the lake, cross the fence door and go up hill), even though you might have faced as well a couple of wolves on your way - and even another moose. But broken ribs, a blizzard and a pack of wolves... wow, I guess some runs are just not meant to be!

Once I randomly spawned at night, didn't get my bearings (I don't even remember the region), saw a rope, rappelled down and... death by wolf. Literally, 3 minutes IRL. Best thing was that I was showing the game to some friends, so of course they made good fun of my outstanding survival skills.

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Guest jeffpeng

Recent loper in HRV. Spawned near in the north-western corner cave, looked inside, got out, got instantly "hugged" by a bear that popped out of nowhere, and bled to death while trying to improvise a bandage from my socks. Less than an hour ingame time. Great success.

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On 31/7/2018 at 1:52 PM, Mixxut said:

I can top all of you guys.

I spawned. I walked maybe 30 seconds. I Was charged by a wolf. I died.

Yes, this was in broken railroad. That place is crazy!

Was that in the frozen river with the tree bridge that splits the area in two? That's a typical spawn&death of mine. I died there at least ten times, before giving up and going to DP. I have that quirk about choosing one-way regions to start so I can move without looking back.

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