Stalkers fun time broken railroad adventure


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A while ago, (During the rugged sentinel update I think, cant really remember) I had made a stalker world, which I got to day 25 of then just kinda stopped playing it. I just kinda got bored, it happens sometimes for me. Anyway, I noticed it, and since it was just collecting dust I could either trash it, or peek in and just play around for a bit. So I wake up by in a snow shelter surrounded by a blizzard, so I just pass time and sleep until it ends. I realize I had camped near the rail tunnel to broken railroad, and since id never been there when wolfs were on high or very high I decided to check it out. So I go into the rail tunnel, shoot some wolves on the way to the maintenance shack, yadda yadda. I make it there and 3 wolves are already on my butt trying to chomp on me, decide not to waste the ammo. I rushed into the maintenance shed and looted it, then I went back outside and ran like hell. I made it down to the lake and since it was getting late I decided to quick pop over to a cave right below the hunting lodge. Now there weren't any bones in it, so I assumed there wouldn't be a bear right? RIGHT? Well plot twist baby, I slept there for the night and awoke to a bear huffing and puffing around the cave. I saw him and realized, there was only one way out, I drew my rifle, took a breath and... Pulled the trigger. The bear bum rushed me and before I knew it half my clothing was destroyed and I was at 11% condition, (Thanks to my double military coats, hooray?) wake up, head pounding, ears ringing, try and bandage myself but I have no bandages, I HAVE NO BANDAGES, why did I not realize this? Stab a stim into my chest and bolt out the cave entrance, here the bear behind me, decide i'm going to die anyway so I just pull out my rifle and take aim. I shoot the bear and it keels over, yay I shout as I tear apart my socks for cloth, condition is at 10% Try and make a bandage condition hits 3% and realize I would die trying to make a bandage. Eat a box of salty crackers as my last meal. Shaking, reeling, I stumble around at 1% condition, last thing I see is the sun rising over the horizon. Fade into the long dark.

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