Houses are too dark inside.

Burning Bridges

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I already posted this in another thread. The new houses are kind of ok when I play at night. But during the day I can't see anything. And I find it depressing, almost creepy to stay in dark house with no means to oen the curtains etc.

Trapper's Homestead was lit inside, perhaps that was unrealistic but I got used to it. A compromise would be to make the homes a bit lighter inside (depending on the time outside). I also think it would be cool if we could make candles that we can use to light places for many hours. Kerosone is simply too precious to use it for lighting places, except in emergencies.

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I don't know, it's all right in my opinion. It's just an immersion thing for me, not like it would ruin the game if interiors were lighter. I like how you need to use your lantern to make sure you didn't miss any loot in the dark corners. I noticed there's a shelf in complete darkness in one house layout that often has 2 cans of dog food on it.

Candles are neat idea though, especially considering you're practically drowning in matches after clearing out most of the buildings. I don't know how this works IRL to be honest, but maybe you could use fat from the animals for lighting in some way.

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I don't feel like buildings are too dark either. For exploring dark places I just use a lantern, not too concerned about kerosene really, have never run out of it.

I do like the idea of candles though. Either finding them as loot or crafting them. It's quite possible to use animal fat and a small strip of cloth or moss to create a candle. I could see that work. You'd need to harvest fat from animals just like you harvest meat and skin etc now. You could use an empty can for a container and harvest 1 cloth for 10 wicks. Fill cut the can in half, fill it with fat and place a wick along the side of the can. Let the wick absorb the fat and light it.

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That would be easy to do, light sources cost no extra resources, and they would be a nice exercise in the crafting department. Torches also come to mind (wolves).

I am also not saying that all interiors should be lit up like Trapper's Homestead. Just changing according to the outside light, and (perhaps if possible) with an option to remove curtains. Currently you go outside, bright sunshine, and inside, again dark and creepy like Dracula's Castle.

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  • 2 months later...

Yes, I would like to see candles too. Sometimes I'll come back to the office late, or I'll be boiling water until the very moment the fire snuffs out. Then I can't well enough to navigate the office. IRL there's still enough light to see where the bed is, and I can at least feel around, so the experience drops me out of the game immersion.

Candles are easy to make, and they could be restricted such that they blow out in the slightest breeze and can't be moved without going out.

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Yup... Turn off all the lights in your house at midday and tell me how much of an issue it is to see things (other than perhaps the basement!) A snowy environment would also significantly increase the ambient light entering the windows.

"Moody" is one thing, but currently, it's unrealistically dark indoors during the day.

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this thread is from november, and i think the version that was the latest back then had much darker houses than now. i think right now the lighting is pretty much ok. any brighter and it would take away from the mood, any darker and it would be too hard to see stuff and also pretty unrealistic.

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