More weapons and other things


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Maybe it's time to get more weapons, like a pistol or a rrevolver; this weapons are more easy to find and his ammo,  it's more easy to use, like reloaded or aim, but they do less damage. And it's good to incluid some accesorios to the weapons, like a scope to the rifle or a suppresor, when we miss a shot, the prey don't run. Another gun to incluid, it's a machete, it's the same than a axe but does more damage and have the probability to kill instantly a wolf when they attack us. Another good idea, is we can find normal arrow, this arrow are more tough than the arrow we can craft, and do a little more damage and when this arrow's brokend, we can get the tip and recycle to create another arrow.

Pd: sorry for my writing because the english is not my natal languaje

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I'm not sure about handguns. I mean, it's an island with small villages, probably no crime, the only non-hunting guns would have been for law enforcement personnel, which likely helped other people leave and then left the place themselves.
Sometimes I thought about different kind of ammo for rifles (so-called buckshot or birdshot), but I'm not a gun expert and I don't even know it they would fit in TLD rifles. And since wild game on the island is rather big the bullets we find make sense.
Machetes? Agricultural tools are traditional. For example, in Italy you'll find billhooks all over the place,  and axes and hatchets too, but machetes are rare and not typical of true farmers. Northern Canada is surely hatchet-oriented.

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Concerning ammo, no, there's no buckshot ammo for that kind of rifle.  The shape of the cartridge is all wrong and firing steel shot would damage the inside of the barrel.  The only shot filled cartridge that I know of (Other than true shotgun shells) is "rat shot."  However, this is for small .22 rifles and the shot is lead instead of steel.  

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