Playablr Music instruments


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Its quite out there sometimes and I think it would be nice to fill the silence with some music. I think a guitar or a hermanica would be great to have on downtime. We have a waiting option to spead up the time. Why don't we fill that with the ability to play the guitar? It would help emensly with the tog aspect of the game. So instead of just a button to press to pass time what kind of activities would be good in replacement? Maybe actually have a deck of cards to play with or an instrument to play. What do you think?

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So we have sleep or past time, either are quite similar yes/no?

 I presume the devs could develop other options in future or at least start to plan for them? sleep / rest / rest-music-listen-X

This might only allow resting with some type of music playing along maybe is my thought.

but yeah I see what you are saying, but it would not fall into the sleep or rest options would it? As playing an instrument can be quite challenging so your not really resting, therefore so it would be more of another thing?  also how do the devs simulate you playing an instrument? not going to happen in this lifetime I don't think. :)

What would be good though and maybe your thoughts as well? if say we come across and old Piano in some building. We the player engage with it and can hit the keys and each key makes a sound. That would be cool. Then you could play the piano if you know sort of know how :0


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What they can do is maybe have you find a guitar or hermanica out in the world and if you have it you can select it in your camping quick menu wheel and It would play automated music for a minute. There can be 4 random sound bytes to possibly play for each instrument. 

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A Craftable box guitar from reclaimed wood and gut would make a basic “nylon” style classic version. But I don’t think I’d want it in the game. I’m just trying to stay alive. Last thing I’m thinking is “oh let me pass time and write a song about the Long Dark”....

oh wait....I’ve laready done that...

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