My Wish List.


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(NB: This entire post is meant in jest. Please take it in the spirit in which it is written.)

So this is a good game but u shuld b able to do more stuff in it. Here's what i want to see!

1) Shotguns! Those damn crows overhead are calories going wasted! (Yes, I'm well aware I'll be eating crow at the end of this post.)

B) Laser sights! I keep missing deer when I've been awake for 72 hours and my SMLE is at 7%. Laser sights would really help with that.

Third, emus! We already have bears and pumas and ostrich in the game, so why not emus?

#4] Trebuchets. 'Nuff said.

5. Beacons. Like, big piles of wood which burn forever and can be seen miles off and act as landmarks. (Actually half-serious about this one.)

6! When you pull the batteries out of the hoods of cars, you should be able to attach some wires (maybe made from scrap metal?) to the battery and the other end to your tongue to regain energy / stamina. But not if you're wearing a balaclava, obviously.

7} if your wearing a cloth hat & u lose a struggle while holding a torch ur hat should lite on fire! New uses for the burn mechanic!

eighth, and lastly, (I can almost hear the collective sigh of relief), I really think the zombie-repellant spray ought to be moved from the First Aid tab to the Tools tab in the inventory. That's where the caltrops and land mines live, after all, so it only makes sense.

And that's it! Now, where's that crow...

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