Zap here

Zap Zockt

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Hi all :)

I am Zap from Germany, i found this great game last week and am starting to get deep and deeper in it almost every day.

I love it, although it is quite hard at times, but a bit of challenge is good. Had a lot fun moments in the last days, but also some frustrating moments, for example when i died without a chance (in the Wintermute campaign), because i came to a place at night, and there was almost no wood to make a fire, but i should make a wolf flee with fire, and as i throw the last torch at him, the torch lands 1m next to the wolf, but the wolf does not run away, so i can see the wolf in bright light and best condition, and i myself stand there, alone in the dark, without wood for fire or a torch, and my character moans because he has freezing feet. :D At least the wolf came to eat me in the dark, so i could not see, how i missed him a lot with my lousy iron-shard, that i pulled from my hand earlier...

In addition i started a recording session for my YouTube channel (in German language), so i came here also to ask, if it is okay for Hinterland Games, if i publish Videos for and with The Long Dark. And also i wanted to ask, if there is some screen material showing the characters, artworks or anything like that, that i am allowed to use for video thumbnails?

I hope someone could help me out with these starting questions, i am sure, i will make up some more in the next days/weeks.



(ZapZockt @ yt)

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