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I think that sprinting should warm you up a little bit. 

When it is really cold and you are outside, sprinting should have a similar effect to that of drinking something hot, but with a shorter duration. It would be a trade, you burn calories to warm up. 

Just a small change that I believe makes sense and won't be hard to implement.

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This is actually already a thing. Or atleast last time I checked few months ago.  To be fair it's only really +1 or 2 degrees warmer and I've only noticed it during calmer weather.

It's hard to catch,as you always come to a stop when checking status.  you need to be full sprint and quickly open the status panel.

First noticed it on an interloper run a while back, inside Carter hydro feels like temp was a 0. Running about for 5mins helped me avoid frostbite risk .


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