Alternative Knives and Spear


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Survival Knife: better resistance to wear when used on ice, wood, and cloth, and also has an igniter built into the handle.

Combat Knife: grants a bonus during struggles, and causes wolves to bleed out faster. 

Improvised/Survival/Simple Spear: a heavy spear crafted from a maple/birch sapling (craft into spear-shaft) and scrap metal (forge into spearhead). Can be thrown at game and attackers, or used in struggles. Causes significantly increased damage in struggles (possibly enough to kill a bear). It should make struggles much easier to deal with, but also weigh enough to make it a challenge to carry.

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I like the ideas! Respecting the knifes, I think it is a good idea since offers more options regarding what your preferences are. I really would like the combat knife since I commonly run with wolf encounters because my aim fails sometimes. About the survival knife, I think that the igniter would be a little too OP but without it I think it could be a great addition to the game giving options to the game. I dont think they should spawn in Interloper like the knife and hatchet..

And I reaally like the Spear idea! It always surprised me that in a survival game like this you aren't able to craft one (be it a refined or very basic spear) and I think that it would be nice to have an alternative weapon to the bow in terms of survival weapons (especially early game, since I hate running around without something to defend myself and it can take a while of time and travel to be able to craft a bow and arrows). I dont think it would be too OP since forge is required, rather heavy to carry and a bit of stamina cost with every throw I think (dont know for sure). And besides it is not a breaking inmersion thing since it is one of the simplest weapons you can craft in real life :)

Hope they add Spears to the game :)

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@dragonslayer587 Thanks; the spear seemed, to me, like something that was oddly missing. I was also thinking about adding slingshots (both improvised and manufactured) to my bows post. They could be completely non-lethal to everything but rabbits, and use stones as an ammunition. On wolves it could work a bit like the flares; possibly scares them off in the beginning, but eventually becomes useless for defense. It's probably not as viable an idea as the spear though.

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