The most important item for me is a SCOPE for rifle ofc


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I really need a scope for a rifle. I cant take long shoots, ans if I come closer to a deer, then it escapes easily. Also It would be great if you add more different rifles, and finally please make the rifle look better than now. Yes I know the graphics quality is not the important thing, but it is ridicilous :(

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We don’t need 360 no scopes on deer, COD player. Although that would be funny. Thing is, those long shots would make hunting op. I think I know you’re problem, you’re not crouching. You can’t get too close to get a good shot on a deer, but when crouching, you can get close enough to feel it breath on you. So crouch, and shoot that sucker in the head. If you have a bow and you’re below level 5 skill, grab you’re rifle

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