Faithful Cartographer Achievement Locations in The Long Dark [SPOILERS] - Updated for VIGILANT FLAME


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So apparently my third clean start from scratch attempt.. did not work either.. I would really appreciate some help.. it’s very frustrating at this point.. I followed the list and crossed each off as I went and still no go... 













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You are right.. damn.. or dam.. your choice.. lol.. 

now do I continue to do the list of things I have to do today before my wife gets home.. or do I hop on and make my way back from HRV with the prospect of being murdered for not getting things done.. tough call...

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Ok so I went back.. mapped it..  still nada.

when I get a chance I will get back on and check the daily log of locations discovered.. does anyone know if that is tied to this.. as in... if the location isn’t there then it didn’t count as mapped ? Or are we left to sort it out on our own.

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1 hour ago, Cr41g said:

Ok so I went back.. mapped it..  still nada.

Sorry to here this.

Regarding figuring it out, a location in your journal doesn't mean you mapped it.  You could compare your maps visually to maps others have posted in this thread.

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Thanks for your help.. I think that is what I am going to have to do.... short of starting over yet another time.. so frustrating.. I mean I found the 500 day run way easier and enjoyable than this.. this shouldn’t be that hard.

There are 178 total mapping locations.. I checked my maps and I have all the icons.. so it means remapping all 128 triggers

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also make sure Forlorn Muskeg - is mapped fully, specially Marsh Ridge.

Did you map the Marsh Ridge from bottom or top? access that area via left area of the waterfall. You might find some other hidden suprises in this area as well such, cave, other shelter, book and that Moose. You have to actually trigger that location by walking through it, you will see the found new location prompt. Same goes for all other Location Triggers.



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Thanks for the advice.. I had seen on here that others had problems with FM.. I did map the Marsh Ridge trigger from above but I will do FM first before remapping the rest.. if that doesn’t work I guess I start another clean fresh save..

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Just a quick question is it better to map the trigger.. which is what I normally do.. the trigger for found new location comes up.. I stop and map there.. or do you continue inside it ?

i noticed on PSNPROFILES that only 11 people have ever done this and no one since May

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12 hours ago, Cr41g said:

the trigger for found new location comes up.. I stop and map there..

Exactly what I did when I got the achievement.

Icons, on the other hand, can be finicky.  I had one that took 10 attempts in slightly varying positions (a step or two) before it showed up on my map.

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12 hours ago, Cr41g said:

Thanks for the advice.. I had seen on here that others had problems with FM.. I did map the Marsh Ridge trigger from above but I will do FM first before remapping the rest.. if that doesn’t work I guess I start another clean fresh save..

I just loaded my the save for the achievement... but it's a couple months old.  I haven't checked whether the FM requirements changed with Vigilant Flame.

But, fwiw, I have an icon for the transition to Milton Basin from Marsh Ridge.   And I got the cheevo without mapping the exit to Broken Railroad.


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Ruruwawa, nicko

I went back to FM last night and remapped the entirety of Marsh Ridge including the exit to Milton Basin... still nothing.. my level of frustration currently exceeds my will to continue on it right now... I think I need to set it aside for now... just relax and do some interloper fun.. knock off some other games and come back to it and start completely anew with yet another attempt from scratch... and map everything.... TWICE...

I did compare my maps to those of others on here and I am really not seeing that I missed anything... but clearly I have

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@Cr41g, I revised your maps and apparently you did not get Echo Ravine in TWM. To map it make sure you enter between Echo Peak East and West, and charcoal it as soon as the new location warning pops up.


Also, but this I am not sure if it is just hard to see, you seem to miss Blocked Highway in DP.


If this doesn’t work I would suggest before starting from scratch that you doublecheck your checklist with each of your ingame maps, and find out if you missed something else.

Best of luck!

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Thanks so much Senauer.... I will go back to both spots tonight and give them a try... Blocked Highway I am sure I have as I did it several times as it always looked on the map like I hadn't gotten it...had the same problem with Katie's Secluded corner... but Echo Ravine does definitely look like a miss...

I have been playing Interloper and not being a veteran and not knowing where the best possibility of finding matches are.... never usually make it past day 2 because of that... although I have had a couple decent runs... but FM is definitely hell on earth... I amrvel at those who can survive there long term.

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@Senauer  ... Honestly I could kiss your whole face this morning... Thank you for finding my miss. Thank you to all who aided in trying to find my misstep. Honestly this forum has the best bunch of people... I am glad to be a member here to share in this epic game with all of you.

When I did it the first time through I skyrim'd down the back of "Echo Peak East" towards "engine" but then  traveled back to "Echo Ravine" and tagged it from within the ravine....clearly this does not work. Following Senauer's directions I tagged it this time between the 2 echo peaks and it popped.



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@Cr41g, congratulations! I am really glad you finally made it, and I welcome you good sir to the selected club of PS4 gamers who have achieved this (somehow painful) trophy :):coffee:

Also, thank YOU for uploading your maps! They were of outstanding help in order to double-check mine and guide me towards getting the achievement early this week. I fully mark your words: TLD has an amazing community in this forums and it is certainly an honour being part of it.

On 8/8/2018 at 1:35 PM, Cr41g said:

When I did it the first time through I skyrim'd down the back of "Echo Peak East" towards "engine" but then  traveled back to "Echo Ravine" and tagged it from within the ravine....clearly this does not work.

This exactly happened to me during one of my early attempts to get the trophy. If you enter the ravine goat-hopping via the engine, then the game will have problems to map the area. So for the sake of mapping it is better not to pathfind the way into places, and just get there using the “normal” way.

In addition to this, I believe the following tips might also be useful for other people trying to complete this achievement:

- The list provided by HL in the OP of this thread is totally accurate and of great help, so I advice to make a copy and use it as a location checklist while mapping. Next is the list that I used during my mapping run, with some comments:

TLD location checklist.pdf

- Carry always charcoal with you (between 5-10 pieces), and refill either with the fireplaces scattered across the world or when your own fires extinguish.

- As soon as a "new location" alert pops up on screen, map immediately (whenever possible). Check that the location appears in your in-game map and then check your checklist IRL. There are some locations (for instance on ML) that show up an alert but will not appear in your map when charcoaled. You can map them (better safe than sorry) but if they are not on the checklist they are not needed for the achievement, so don't worry about them not showing and move on.

- If a location appearing in the checklist doesn't get mapped, try again from other angles. Sometimes a location will be mapped but not the corresponding icon. If the icon is a building, just get close enough to it and map again.

- When you are at the exit/entrance of a region, always map the area. You should get an appropriate icon (double arrow exit, cave, mine, etc.). A few might not be on the list, but again, better to map them just in case.

- If you are burnt-out, desperate and/or the achievement does not pop up, doublecheck your maps with some of the maps available online. If the trophy is not showing yet, then move into other things. Start another survival run, go for a challenge, or even take a break and launch another game to freshen up a bit. Then come back and with a clear head and see if you may have missed something.

- If nonetheless the trophy still refuses to show and you’re driven into despair, I suggest that you create a custom game. Something like a Pilgrim "minus” (or “minus, minus”). Basically a wilderness walking simulator with dead easy settings: no wolves, no bears, no moose, no blizzards, no frostbite, no illnesses, no sprains, very high recovery rate for hypothermia and condition, sleep as a resource (i.e. you can sleep always, even when not tired), game/real life hours ratio of x4 so that you have more in-game daylight to cover longer distances (the only setback of this is that it will take more time for your stamina to fill up and your character will be left panting until recovering, sometimes becoming really annoying), and other settings of the sort. Everything is valid so that the environment doesn’t distract you from your ultimate mapping task.

Here is what I did once I created such a custom game: I started in BR, as being in one end of the world map there’s only one way forward, and then I planned my itinerary in advance to see how I could speedrun all regions. I first scavenged the Maintenance Yard. Repaired my clothes, made some water, grabbed some food and I was off. Travel light, keeping your encumbrance at bay. No weapons. Hatchet and knife may be fine, but leave any other tools behind. One lantern and/or a couple of flares for traversing caves and mines. A couple of sewing kits and perhaps a whetstone. You can however use the hacksaws that you’ll come across in TWM if you'd like to grab some of the extra loot in that region.  Always eat and drink until full, no need to food rationing and starving here. Don’t lose time entering buildings unless you really need specific supplies, or perhaps if you know that better clothing may be somehow available. Always keep your charcoal stock coming: retrieve it from scattered fireplaces and don’t be afraid of creating a bright and burning fire overnight to fill up your pockets with charcoal once the fire is out in the morning.

I did map the whole world this way in around 15 days of game time, even though I could not optimize my wandering around HRV that much because of not being too familiar with the region. So it certainly can be done in less time.

“But Senauer”, I hear you say, “why did you do it in such a manner? This takes away all the fun of the game!”. Well, let me tell you my dear padawan that this achievement in particular is no fun. That, and the fact that I lost the save of my achievement-Stalker run to a game crash. My third mapping attempt of Great Bear. Erased. Gone. Longdarked. With only two regions to go. So yes, I was definitely driven into despair. And it was either setting up the above custom run or throwing my PS4 out of the balcony. In the end, our neighbours were glad that I decided on the first ;)

I may be uploading in a future the maps of my speedrun, should it be of any help to other trophy hunters in the community.

In the meantime, enjoy and keep surviving!

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4 hours ago, Senauer said:


"But Senauer”, I hear you say, “why did you do it in such a manner? This takes away all the fun of the game!”. Well, let me tell you my dear padawan that this achievement in particular is no fun.

@Senauer I would definitely echo this sentiment... the most difficult of the bunch.

Hopefully with the complete list of locations as provided in this thread and completed maps being put up by members here it will make it easier on others not to share in our frustration

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On 15.12.2017 at 11:18 PM, admin said:

Hushed River Valley


aww should've checked this thread before I moved back to CH after a month in the valley - I'm missing some spots in HRV and that probably explains why I still don't have the achievement. So lets go hiking again...

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On 8/8/2018 at 9:05 PM, Cr41g said:

@Senauer  ... Honestly I could kiss your whole face this morning... Thank you for finding my miss. Thank you to all who aided in trying to find my misstep. Honestly this forum has the best bunch of people... I am glad to be a member here to share in this epic game with all of you.

When I did it the first time through I skyrim'd down the back of "Echo Peak East" towards "engine" but then  traveled back to "Echo Ravine" and tagged it from within the ravine....clearly this does not work. Following Senauer's directions I tagged it this time between the 2 echo peaks and it popped.



congrats, I've started a new run to get this achievement. ha getting their but still a long way to go. hard one. Have to be methodical on every map location. Good to see it's working though. so no bugs.

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At last, after going back to Hushed River Valley to pick up the last 4 missing spot I finally got the achievement on day 360 of my Stalker run. Honestly I didn't believe anymore that I'll see it popping up on this playthrough.

So all that's left now is to survive for another 140 days, fill the last 6th of the mending skill bar and go for an Interloper run, yey :D


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Thanks everyone for your posts about the Faithful Cartographer achievement!  We're locking further comments on this thread - but the discussion will remain visible and we will continue to update the original post if changes or new content are added.

If you want to share tips or stories about your experiences related to this achievement, please feel free to create a new post in the Survival Mode discussion area!

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Happy mapping!

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