More uses for Nature


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So, many of these ideas might have been requested already, or it might be on the roadmap (tho I thought we stopped using that). Heck, I might have even made a topic on it already but my memory is terrible, so here I go.


I would like to see more natural resources in the game. A natural firestarter (because especially in Interloper, your survival depends on fire and resources are limited), more natural edible plants (think an edible version of Rose Hips, wild garlic and onion, juniper berries, burdock and pine needles), maybe some other crafting with firewood and plants. To me this would make the game feel like more of a 'find a means to survive' game and less of a battle against wildlife, as I feel Interloper is now.


Feel free to discuss!

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Yeah, this kind of suggestion has been brought up before, but there's no harm in reviving the idea, as it's a good one.

I'm not sure wild garlic and onions would be available in the depths of winter, but I'm sure there must be some edible plants and roots that would be. Also, things like shellfish on coastal maps, birds, small mammals, insects, etc. would fit the scenario. 

The issue with all these as always is about balance.  You don't want to create a situation where food is too abundant or easily acquired, because the effect of that is to incentivise the player to stay indoors more, where they can stay warm, watered and rested easily. And that defeats part of the purpose of the game, which is exploration. 

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I personally would like to see more variety for natural edibles. In exchange, there could be a wider spread for occurences of all these ressources. E.G. Rosehips would become more rare so you would have to think twice whether you really want to use them for diner or rather save them up in case you need a painkiller.

For Interloper, i have ambivalent feelings. I mean, it really lives from being crazy unfair! On the other hand once you find matches fire starting isn´t really as much of a big deal anymore anyways. However, just for the early stages of it, you should really be pressured to find matches.


2 hours ago, Renn said:

To me this would make the game feel like more of a 'find a means to survive' game and less of a battle against wildlife, as I feel Interloper is now.

Luckily there is customization available (just in case you missed it :)) . They gotta add some options like "disable hatches" and "disable knives" but you can already get a pretty decent customized game with fairly high difficulty.

Since the code feature finally imports your code correctly, i can give you my set of difficulty:


Pleasant valley is my favorite starting location for this set of difficulty. Don´t get scared by the wolf and bear population settings. "High" is still a very low amount of wolves per square kilometer. I prefer having rifles available but if you want it or not depends purely on your own style!

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