Gloves/Socks/Boots to give you 2x of materials.


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I saw that if you're harvesting let's-say wool mittens, you will get 1x cloth. I know it's for balance, but you don't harvest ONE mitten, but two. The same thing with socks and boots. It just doesn't make sense, as we can't wear 1 different glove/sock/boot ( which would be awesome), so these items are the same for left and right. 

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I agree it's a bit silly when you dive into it. Why do you only get 1 cloth from harvesting so many different sized items? Shirts and long sleeve tops? 1 cloth. Socks? 1 cloth. It'd almost make more sense to have cloth become much lighter, but require 2x for most repairs so you could harvest sensible amounts from different items. But that would just be bloating the numbers.

I also like that there is an item in the world called cloth that breaks down into 3 cloth. You find them hanging over beds. 

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Because tearing up a pair of socks gives you twice the amount of cloth that you get from tearing up a t-shirt, right?

Unless you were tearing up a toddler sized t-shirt, you wouldnt even get close to those values. This is a bit silly to require.

How about the fact that tearing up a synthetic PE sports vest results in getting a piece of what appears to be a linen cloth? You wouldnt be able to make bandages from that sort of material...

The harvesting is very simplified in the game right now and that is solely for game balance. So, just deal with it. :)


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