Visual clothes layering


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Since the beginning of the clothes system update, the external layer is not well displayed.
You see on the picture that the Mackinaw red shirt is not displayed. It is a little strange, and finally it dosen't reflect how the character looks like.

I know how your clothes system visually works, but I was wondering if you'll consider to rework it.

screen_(1473, 21, -29)_d5c8a120-08d3-4ab4-9c4e-394ca64a55a5.png

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Honestly, I think this is a matter of overlapping textures of individual clothes. Some clothes are bulkier than others, but the "outer layer" is not at all bulkier then the lower layer.

Now, the textures of "jackets" vs "shirts" is obvious - shirts are always thinner than the jackets in game.


if both were visible, and someone were to put the behemoth bear coat UNDER a soft shell, then the "inner" layer bear coat would completely devour the thin soft shell jacket. 

So, to address this - new "textures" would have to be made for every combination of all the clothes, in both placements. That's a LOT of textures to add simply for a paper doll inventory beauty update... a lot of work for little reward, basically. Better if designers work on something more game immersive like animations, for example.

Not even mentioning the fact that I expect some combinations of clothes would just look plain ridiculous.

Sorry to say, guys, but just deal with this. It's not that big of a deal and you cant really have everything, even though the recent update indicates otherwise :D

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1 hour ago, Simone Else said:

from looking at the photo, i interpret that if you swap places with the other jacket it will then show the makinaw jacket properly.  the same with your socks and hat too.  

Well, for starters, doing so solely for visual effect is silly. You would lose temperature stats - because the wind protection stat is always calculated only for the item in your "outer" layer slot. So, swapping the jacket for Mackinaw would display the Mackinaw but you would have colder cloth variation.

Additionally, that was not the argument. The OP simply wants to have the Jacket on top, but because its unzipped, he wants to see the Mackinaw beneath it, zipped as it is equipped.

Personally, if I am going to wear 4 layers of clothes and unzip my jacket, I will undo the layer beneath as well to let air flow on my sweater, drying out the sweat to decrease temperature conduction later on. So, its not that impossible to think that the Mackinaw is just unbuttoned same as the jacket.

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