Placing items inside walls (v1.38)


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Yesterday I wanted to put the two firelogs I found next to the upstairs stove in the CampOffice. I was standing next to the stove, facing the wall, all the way to the wall so I couldn't move forward any further. I drop both logs, one was sticking halfway through the wall, the other was completely gone. My guess it's inside the wall, or maybe sticking out the other side (haven't checked that).

I had expected to find both logs laying in front of the wall.

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It has happened to me too that items dissapear inside other 3d objects, like walls, furniture. I would always be careful when placing items on the floor, check if the item can stil be picked, and reload when it doesn't. It happens in the corner of buildings, and not so much when you stand somewhat away from furniture and corners.

This must be a problem with collision detection, items can sometimes end up completely inside other objects, and I am sure it is not final.

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