Community mode


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Community mode , a lot of weak people around and he must to collects them from different places ,and He Safely leads them to some chosen place, provides food , provides shelter give each of them a work , try to keeps them a live to make that Community

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No, for a list of reasons.

First, if we assume that the whole point is to be "alone" in TLD, this naturally breaks that rule already (not that I agree with that assessment, my issue is elsewhere).

The reason why I don't want this idea is that they would need to include a tremendous amount of new in-game material to make a single mode possible. Meaning they would have to add this "ordering" system, as well as add a lot of "social" mechanics solely for the reason of this one mode. Doing all this would hinder the progress of the actual game because the developers would be developing this instead of the actual game.

So I don't think this is realizable - I would rather see developers work on adding different content into the game, content that will appear in ALL game modes instead.

Gotta give you props for a unique idea, though - not a lot of people thought of this in particular. In a way, I think it would be pretty cool game mode, but I don't want to see devs waste time on it. This is probably a pretty cool modding idea for when the game gets mod support.

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This sounds like an interesting idea, but not sure how it would work out though in game play?

Maybe a filler for story mode? Story mode you do similar things when you meet certain characters and do achievements to satisfy their wishes.

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