Restarted computer at main menu-save game gone?


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Per the title, I restarted my computer while I was at the game's main menu, and now my save game is gone. Is there anything I can do to bring it back?

I'm on Windows 10, steam cloud enabled.

Failing that, does anyone have a save game handy just after completing Grey Mother's quests? I don't have the stomach to restart. 


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On 04/10/2017 at 1:17 AM, saab said:

Is there anything I can do to bring it back?

I'm on Windows 10, steam cloud enabled.

You could always give the Steam Cloud File Manager a shot.. it supposedly lets you download saves from your Steam Cloud. (The download page for the executable itself is here.)

You'll need the AppID for TLD. The Github page for the file manager tells you how to find it.. but to save some time, it's 305620.

Good luck!

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