My personal Old Bear


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On my current survival run I have my own personal Old Bear story to tell. I have my base in the trappers cabin. I love the place and I have had a good time hunting and snaring there. I have killed a bear 10 days or so ago and was living of his meat. I started to run low on bear meat so after venturing out for fire wood I decided to take advantage of a crazy predictable deer and hunt him down. I hit him in the chest and persued him into the south. After max last stand a wolf took notice of me but prepared as I was I dropped a decoy and pulled out my bow. After hitting him in the chest, only missing his head by a few centimeters, he ran off. I followed the blood trail of the wolf as foog was rolling in. After the fogg grew to thick I decided to call it today. I would find the two arrows sooner or later and I have a lot of arrowheads. I wandered back toward the cabin, or so I thought. When wandering over a hill I heard something.. never a good sign.. the bear must have respawned. I immediatly crouched but it was to late. When I turned around the beast was already standing on hil back legs ready to charge. I ran as fast as I could, gaining a lot of ground until my stamina ran out on the hill towards the trappers homestead. I looked back and saw him charging me.. I may as well also play dead. He mauled me and teared apart my woll toque.. my TOUQE! I could escape with my life and made it to the cabin using a stim. That Mother****** is going to pay for my touque.. I fixed my other clothes, and healed my self over the nexted days. But he was going to pay for it. I went ot of the cabin and there he was already, patroling in the distance in sight of the cabin. I sneaked onto the rock with the fallen tree at the right side of the valley and threw stones to draw him in. My first arrow broke after impacting his shoulder and he ran of towards the cabin. He didn't bleed so I waited patiently for my revenge. An hour later he came back into sight and I baited him with a stone towards my rock. This time he saw me too, but right as he stood up on his back legs he took an arrow to the kn.. chest. He flew and died 30 meters away from the cabin. I couldn't resist to teabag him a little (an old Battlefield habbit). This is probably not the last time that the bear from this dent and I are going to be fighting. 

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