The Long Dark hotfixed to v1.15 (32683) on STEAM


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The Long Dark hotfixed to v1.15 (32683) on STEAM

V1.15 has now been re-released. Thanks again to everyone for your patience while we fixed these bugs!


FYI: We've since rolled back this hotfix due to the UI bug noted below - the current Steam version is v1.14, until we re-release the hotfix. Thanks for your understanding.


***NOTE: We're aware of a new issue with Mouse UI interactions when performing some menu actions, such as Harvesting or Cooking/Boiling Water/Adding Fuel. You can still navigate the menus using WASD and Enter, or with a Controller. And Mouse inputs can still be used to change between Fuel/Food/Water, for example. ***
Thanks for your patience as we work to resolve this issue.

*We'll have hotfixes up for additional platforms, as they become ready for release.*

* Fixed issue with not being able to ascend rope in Broken Railroad region
* Fixed collision issue in Dam that could cause player to fall out of the world.
* Fixed issuse with gamepad and Start Fire UI


We're continuing to fix additional issues as quickly as we can. Thank you for your patience.

- The Hinterland Team

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