So my save was deleted with the latest update....


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Allow myself to quote...myself.  I have no idea what platform you're on.

How To Fix Your Missing Game Files (Xbox One), by Sashamorning

In the (unfortunately likely) event that you sign out of your game, come back later and find your save files missing, I suggest the following.  (NB: These are suggestions.  You do not have to follow them.  You've been warned.)

I have no idea if this has been posted elsewhere, but I've done this aboooouutt... 20 times (?) this week, including just now.


Step One: Scream, very loudly, OMGWTFBBQ!!!1!11!

Step Two: Throw controller across room.

Step Three: Pick up your second controller, since your first is now broken, and press the Guide Button.

Step Four: Go on The Long Dark, and press the Start Button for More Options.

Step Five: Go down to Manage Game.

Step Six: Go down to Saved Data.

Step Seven: Go to where your gamertag is (NOT "Delete all"), press the Start Button, and select "Deleted saved data."

Step Eight: Select "Delete from console" (FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT'S GOOD, GREEN, AND HOLY, DO ***NOT*** "DELETE EVERYWHERE.")

Step Nine: Go back into your game, and select yourself to resync your data with the servers.  Since your console doesn't have the saved data, it will download your last save from the server.

Step Ten: If your file is still not there (you can only start new games, not resume old ones), repeat process again.  This has happened to me on multiple occasions.

Step Eleven: Profit.


*I assume no responsibility for broken controllers.  If you actually threw a controller because someone on tha intarwebz told you to, there may not be much hope.


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