Tips for new survivors

Mel Guille

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I just found that cooking meat can be dragged from one fire to another without resetting the cooking time.

I killed a wolf near a big tree.  It was windy so I made a fire next to the tree on the downwind side and started harvesting and cooking the wolf meat.  Soon the wind changed direction and my fire suddenly had 9 minutes left and the meat had about 20 minutes left to cook.  In this case I'll usually nurse the fire along by adding a stick at a time, but this time it was too windy to add another stick.

I moved around the tree a little bit to get out of the wind, equipped a torch, and was able to light the torch from the dying fire.  I started a new fire, then right-clicked the meat on the dying fire and dragged it to a cooking spot on the new fire.  The meat continued cooking from where it left off.  Pretty cool.  If you drop the meat on the ground or put it in your inventory first, then onto the new fire, the cooking time resets.


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