Anybody think new Rabbit mechanic made Interloper too Easy?


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Ha ha, well, I tried it. Day 8 of an Interloper run, and having some trouble getting enough calories. One of the coastal houses near the conset gas station, I managed to scare a dear towards a wolf, and have the wolf take it down about 30 meters from the house. I was able to get its attention, and sprint like hell back into the building. Just made it! Sadly, when I harvested the meat, I couldn't make it back all thirty meters without one of the other wolves who inhabits the area smelling it and ripping me apart. Clearly, this technique depends on some more careful placement than I did! 

Back onto the original topic, I don't see hunting rabbits as making Interloper too easy, as it generally costs almost 400 calories to harvest one, and you usually only get about that much back from eating it. 

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I did the same yesterday in DP during my stream but changed the tactic a bit due to smell factor: I scared it away by throwing a flare to it's feet, then I was holding the flare wihle making a fire. Thus I could cook the meat before going back to the Lighthouse, reducing my smell from 3 to 1 and Wolves won't attack if you're sitting by a fire ;)

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2 hours ago, cullam said:

Is it new that they won't? I thought they just used to be more hesitant around a fire... 

The only thing that varies as far as I can tell is if a wolf will run away solely by holding a Flare/Torch in your hand or if you need to throw it. Fluffy in the Damm for example ran away from me just by holding the flare. Yesterday I tried to scare away a wolf from a deer the same way but he wouldn't leave. He also didn't attack me but was just standing there. Then I've thrown the flare after it and he ran away.

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On 19.06.2017 at 1:48 PM, ChillPlayer said:

Why would you want to throw stones at rabbits on other mods when you have a rifle which you can usually find on the first two days? One bullet and you eat for a week plus you get guts and hides to craft cloths or snares.

The reason why I find it useful in particular for Interloper is because I don't have a rifle to shoot a deer/wolf combo but I need guts for fishing lines. Before stones I'd run around the map looking for carcasses I would unfreeze but that brought a multitude of other problems with it, wind blowing out my fire being the worst but also senseless waste of matches and good firewood just to not freeze to death while harvesting.

I agree about Cabin Fever though ;)

Well, we're experienced players, we memorised maps, locations, items, spawns, mechanics even we abuse mechanics as you mentioned above. If we want to bore ourselves we can easily survive hundreds of days without using any weapon in any mod except interloper. But are these valid for a beginner? Especially first days are most important days for them. It will be easier to survive if these days are once get over (Once I was beginner :P). Curation of gut takes 4 days and one snare for one rabbit if you're lucky. But on your very first day, you can get at least 3-4 rabbits with one stone in one hour if you're cruel enough. Next mechanic will be burn them alive I guess. Anyway, they'll never freeze. Besides you can get your mitten on 4th day of gameplay. 

In interloper yes, I can never argue about how vital it is ^_^ Get them easily, harvest in a safe place and have mittens on 4th day with a nice 2/2 warmth.

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What I'm finding is I can get a rabbit, get back where it's warm. Dump the Corpse off inside. Go sleep for an hour. Go back out having lose almost no condition, hunt again, get one or two rabbits, come back in and then either harvest for the pelts and guts alone leaving the meat on the corpses for the following day, and then go out again. Feels like you can rack up the rabbits really fast and not take too much condition loss doing this if you get back inside quick enough. I keep running my harvest actions when I'm at zero calories, and eat before sleeping again and I seem to be maintaining just fine. By the time you have enough pets to make the mittens, you can then stay out even longer, and work on getting the bow and arrows going, having leveraged your condition loss and food supply. I almost think they need to slightly bump up Interloper difficulty. Maybe hide some matches, for sure don't make the difficulty come from wolves as they are cheap enough already but maybe something like sometimes the matches are there and sometimes they aren't at many of the spawns for them that are sure things. 

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