Metal Shelf Respawning & Trapping Player


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I recently encountered this issue in offline mode. After I came back to the Quonset Gas Station I went to sleep and when I woke up there was a metal shelf I had harvested early in the game.

screen_(-3, -148, -5)_d585c646-4689-40f5-b97f-b753c098d546.png

Obviously this was kind of game breaking since I had left my hacksaws in one of the lockers and had no option to retrieve it. I tried to sleep again multiple times and with the same result every time. Once my fatigue was reduced to zero I closed the world, scared of starving to death and in the hopes of you guys finding a solution. Right before posting this I decided to try it once more and for some reason the shelf disappeared again. The only parameter I know I changed was being in Steam offline mode, but I have no idea if that has anything to do with it.


I personally would regard this as solved but I wanted to post it anyways, just to report it. Maybe you guys can figure out if there was a mistake somewhere and fix it, I don´t know.

Thank you for making this game great! <3

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Hmm that's a tough one. It sounds like the game couldn't find the saved data so it defaulted to the original data and re-spawned the shelving unit. I'm not sure if there was an update between when this occurred and was fixed, but it's possible that an Update/Hotfix addressed this. Thanks for reporting though, it's something I will see if we can replicate in-house. 

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1 minute ago, Support said:

I'm not sure if there was an update between when this occurred and was fixed, but it's possible that an Update/Hotfix addressed this.

I am 99% sure that there was no update. I am cut off from the internet from Monday to Friday. This issue occurred on Monday an I posted on Friday, the last hot-fix was on Saturday. However, it is absolutely possible that my game data was corrupted (I had corruption issues previously, just never with game data). I don´t know how hard it would be to diagnose the player being stuck, but I personally think that the option to "re-enter area" would be nice. Of course there would have to be precautions to ensure this isn´t abused.

Anyways, you probably already thought about this, so just ignore this if you did :) Again thank you<3

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