Cooked food, boiled water and heating effects

Viktor Kvasnica

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Hi folks,

I have been freezing in a fishing hut a couple days ago, cooking some fish, boiling water and had an idea: what if the cooked meat and boiled water had some heating effects on the avatar after they have been consumed (as has the hot tea for example)? In real life also the freshly cooked meat and boiled water has some heating effect on our body when consumed.

I have created new topic with a simple poll so we have a better overview of how much is this feature wanted or not. Please, post your opinions to this new topic from now on so everything will be at one place.

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3 hours ago, Viktor Kvasnica said:

Hello @togg,

why do you think "it would reduce the importance of the mechanics and just introduce hassle clicking"?

I imagine it as follows:

  1. I am cold and have just cooked some meat (or boiled some water);
  2. I will eat the freshly cooked hot meat (or drink the boiled water) and will get the "heating up" bonus for some time.

The bonus at the moment is something special that you can't have infinite time. It's a special thing, if you can get the same effect with water... not special anymore.

It would be just more clicks to do each time you start a fire, by broadening the gameplay element you're reducing its importance.

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I can understand the appeal of the idea but lately I've had a few very tough day/night trips where I've had to use all my "warmers" to survive and couldn't afford the luxury of looking for mushrooms/berries along the way. These were very stressful times but if I knew that boiling some water alone would warm me up I would have been much more relaxed and indeed would probably be planning still harder journeys.

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19 minutes ago, cekivi said:

Would that be a bad thing?

The jury is still out on that one.

However it would mean that I could use minimal wood in a fire (feels like 1C) then boil 0.5 litre of water at a time to warm up. I think too, that @togg is right - it would probably become about the first thing you did when you lit a fire or to get the warmth bonus it would certainly be the last thing.

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Yes exactly, that's the problem. You would start to make fire just to boil that water. Be able to plan harder journeys is a great idea, the new clothing sistem will do just that probably. In this way we would only add standard clicks to do every time.

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43 minutes ago, mystifeid said:

The jury is still out on that one.

However it would mean that I could use minimal wood in a fire (feels like 1C) then boil 0.5 litre of water at a time to warm up. I think too, that @togg is right - it would probably become about the first thing you did when you lit a fire or to get the warmth bonus it would certainly be the last thing.

Again, not necessarily a bad thing. Plus, realistic for a real survival situation regardless. Also, funnily enough, how I already play (I mostly light fires to boil water while traveling to keep weight down) :winky:

Being able to boil water on a 1C fire in the same amount of time as a 50C fire just means there's some tuning to be done to balance it. Also, water and meat would quickly cool (just like hot coffee or tea already in the game) so it wouldn't be super over powered.

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Still torn about the idea.

For some idea of what I'm thinking about, here is a recent "difficult" trip. Day 53. Interloper. No bedroll. No Cold Fusion buff or any other. Torn crafted clothing. Cruel wind most of the time. Felt like -20C was about as warm as it got. Sprained ankle and wrist after first cave. Could only heal one - chose the wrist, so no sprinting. Lucky because later had to shoot two wolves. One at night. A dark night.

Crossroads -> cave (Fire) -> Forest Cave (Fire) -> Pensive Pond -> Cascading Falls Cave (Fire) -> Dam Connection Cave -> Hilltop Cave (Fire) -> Radio Control Hut.

Took about 15 hours. Even before the sprained ankle, I didn't think I was going to make it. Had to use every single useful resource I carried.

If hot water warmed and provided a warmth bonus, potentially you would stop at 20% - 50% warmth and light a -2C to -5C fire, warm up again then continue while staying warmer. The resource cost would be lower and what you could accomplish would probably become pretty scary. If this idea was implemented there might have to be something else added to balance it.

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1 hour ago, mystifeid said:

Crossroads -> cave (Fire) -> Forest Cave (Fire) -> Pensive Pond -> Cascading Falls Cave (Fire) -> Dam Connection Cave -> Hilltop Cave (Fire) -> Radio Control Hut.

Took about 15 hours. Even before the sprained ankle, I didn't think I was going to make it. Had to use every single useful resource I carried.

If hot water warmed and provided a warmth bonus, potentially you would stop at 20% - 50% warmth and light a -2C to -5C fire, warm up again then continue while staying warmer. The resource cost would be lower and what you could accomplish would probably become pretty scary. If this idea was implemented there might have to be something else added to balance it.

Sounds harrowing :winky:

What you're describing though sounds more like how the pumpkin pies behaved than the warmth bonus from warm food/drinks. You would get that boost in warmth from the drink but under the conditions you describe (-20C and windy) you'd still get cold in a hurry despite the "warming up" bonus. Whether the resources consumed to make the fire to boil a half liter of water are worth it under those conditions are debatable.

Under mild conditions I'll readily agree that you can get a fairly good boost but then again you're probably not playing on Interloper at that point and so will have access to more tea, coffee, and soup regardless that can be heated up for the bonus.

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Where possible, if I stop to make a fire to warm up, then I always finish with something warm to drink or eat. On a long day like the one above, it makes a big difference in the cumulative health loss by the end of it.

At the same time I was making 1C fires in the backs of caves and waiting for half an hour before I could throw coal on. I guess the time difference either way is negligible but by using water I would not have had to use a finite carried resource (coal) nor even had to carry the 1+ kg weight. Neither would I have had to burn through all my tea and coffee.

Yeah - glad I don't have to make these decisions.

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This same idea came to me quickly while playing interloper.  After reading the post it seems the idea is popular but needs balancing. 

I suggest that a wet clothing penalty once fully implemented will bring balance to this new warmth bonus.  Already clothes become wet from taking a polar bear dip and personally I would like to see implemented in TLD is sweating and snowstorms to cause clothing to become wet.  Then a warmth bonus will beome that much more important.

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Good evening folks,

thank you for your opinions.

It is clear that this feature will be plausible for someone and on the other side for someone will be not. I have created new topic with a simple poll so we have a better overview of how much is this feature wanted or not. Please, post your opinions to this new topic from now on so everything will be at one place.

Maybe this can be implemented as a simple difficulty setting and everyone will be happy. :)

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