Harvestable and Respawning Typha: Cattails


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While walking along the frozen river, I noticed lots and lots of typha or cattails. These long plants with brown bushy ends have been used by Native Americans for a very long time for a number of different purposes. However, I was wondering if these plants could be harvested for the seed hairs (the brown bushy ends) to use as tinder. Perhaps only special, choice or less frozen, plants could be harvested, resulting in acquiring 1 or more "Typha Seed Hair", each of which could be harvested into 1 "Tinder Plug".

Just an idea.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The seed hair has also been used to create cloth, but you would probably need a lot of them to get the equivalent of one piece of cloth in the game. However, having a mechanism for generating leather, cloth, and scrap metal is imperative for a long-term survival simulator.

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