The Double barrel shotgun (Legendary Boomstick) (Part 3)


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Double barrel shotguns do not always have two triggers. Most older ones do, but there are some exceptions to the rule. Like most new production double barrel (especially over/under) shotguns have one trigger that you pull twice, once for each barrel. With the single trigger system you obviously cannot fire both barrels at the same time (which isn't recommended anyway). However, I definitely agree, that if they added a shotgun into The Long Dark it should be that one posted!

I saw in the road-map that a revolver is coming. That'll be awesome, especially for defending oneself against bears/wolves. However, besides the rifle and the revolver, I don't think this game needs any more guns. Though, I wouldn't object to the double barrel shotgun, or a .22 rifle, and a scope for the Enfield.

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3 minutes ago, minuteman said:

Double barrel shotguns do not always have two triggers. Most older ones do, but there are some exceptions to the rule. Like most new production double barrel (especially over/under) shotguns have one trigger that you pull twice, once for each barrel. With the single trigger system you obviously cannot fire both barrels at the same time (which isn't recommended anyway). However, I definitely agree, that if they added a shotgun into The Long Dark it should be that one posted!

I saw in the road-map that a revolver is coming. That'll be awesome, especially for defending oneself against bears/wolves. However, besides the rifle and the revolver, I don't think this game needs any more guns. Though, I wouldn't object to the double barrel shotgun, or a .22 rifle, and a scope for the Enfield.

Welcome to forum  !! :coffee:

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Dont listen to that old fart with his obsolete thinking, selling old junk, this is the future of tLD. There is a reason why millions of those has been sold. A choice for a REAL hunter. Clearly superior yet simple design. Quality, precision, dependability.

And on top of that, as it would not be enough already, it can have extended modifications done on it(imagine not to just finding a gun, but being able to upgrade it further, like by adding a choke on it... if you can find one of course). Not to mention its far easier to repair.

Remington 870 is the way to go. Its either double barreled past of pumping future.


And it looks way cooler...

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Ah yes, the Rem 870. I sold mine a few years ago, and I have been looking to buy another one ever since!

I don't know what the gun laws are up in the Great White North (I'm from the good ol' U S of A), but I'm sure folks are allowed to own a Rem 870.

While the pump shotgun is certainly more practical, I actually like the thought of a shotgun in the game being a double barrel. It would feel old fashion and more cumbersome for some reason, I think that would fit into the game better. 

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