Your closest calls?


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This is a thread dedicated to all the closest calls in TLD; not necessarily from death (although those fit), but any other times you narrowly avoided some sort of disaster by the skin of your teeth.

I made this thread in honour of the closest call I've ever had, and ever hope to have. I was scavenging around an abandoned cabin, having just cleaned it out, when I saw some crows circling just on the other side of a very small hill. Naturally, I went over to check it out, when what should I find but a black bear almost within arms reach, hidden behind the hill.
Suffice to say, I immediately sprinted for the cabin, and one very upset bear followed me. I managed to get in, just in time - the first thing I saw on the other side was an indicator that my clothes had been torn! I imagine any more time at all would have ended in far more serious wounds.

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TwM, got greedy butchering deer, ended up in the dark in the blizzard. After wandering in the storm for a few hours, losing any sense of direction, freezing and low condition found small alcove in the cliff that seemingly blocked wind. Made fire and for several hours were just sitting there, trying to keep it going, as wind were constantly biting away chunks of it duration. Luckily my wood supply ended pretty much at same time as blizzard did and weather cleared(with completely clear sky), so i was able to assert my location and made speedy march towards nearest safe cave.

It was an interesting experience. A really close call.

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Today in Nomad I saw a cave which sometimes holds stuff while I was out enjoying the balmy weather.  So I'm like "Cool! I'll just skirt this rock to cut the wind and... wait it moved." Didn't manage to outrun the bear. :D but on the plus side I found an ax.

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I just had a good one pretty recently.  I live in ML and I was heading to DP for the first time to forge some arrowheads.  I was carrying metal for the trip and so I was being selective about my gear when I left the Homestead.  I remember distinctly looking at the antibiotics I had in my pack and saying to myself, "I have lichen bandages, I won't need to carry this," and I put it back in the medicine cabinet...  As I was making my way through CH, I decided to swing by the Abandoned Lookout, which I've never been to before.  When I got there, I was getting somewhat low on food and, wanting to save myself from an extra day of hunting, I ended up picking up a granola bar and eating it before I noticed it was at 0 condition.  I immediately got food poisoning-- and I had left my antibiotics back at home...  I slept the food poisoning off during the night but ate the remainder of my food and drank most of my water during the time I was sick.  So I got up the next morning at around 20% condition and started to make my way down the hill.  I stopped at the eastern trailer and devised a plan to just make it to a fishing hut, where I could catch and cook my next meal and spend some more time recuperating.  When I walked outside of the trailer, it was a nice day.  When I stopped to chop up some firewood to cook my inevitable fish, a blizzard started up out of nowhere.  With no food left, I knew I couldn't spend another night in the trailer with low condition, likely unable to make it through the rest of the day and the next night.  I decided to run down the hill through the blizzard and make it to a fishing hut, feeling like that was my only chance.  I was praying I wouldn't see aggressive wild life in the storm, which, thankfully, I didn't.  I managed to stumble across the frozen water in a near-whiteout and luckily walked almost directly a fishing hut.  Super lucky in that regard.  As I was starting the fire, my condition was at 9% and dropping.  Thankfully, the fire got going on the first try, so I stopped losing condition to the cold.  Hypothermia would have most likely killed me.  I fished throughout the night, cooking and eating what I caught, and rested my way back to 100% by mid-day the next day.  That was the most pulse-pounding experience I've had in game in a pretty long time.  I was around 120 days in at the time and almost lost it all.

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It was only several days since I had survived the plane crash.  I had found settle in the Hunter's Cabin, but supplies were running low and I knew I must move on.  So, I had just made it over the hill seperating Max's Last Stand and the Dead Fall dilapitated cabin, when I was ambushed by a wolf.  The only weapon I had on me was a pry bar, which I managed to bash his skill in with during the struggle.  He didn't even manage to rip my clothes, let alone lay anymore than a few scratches on me, so my condition was still pretty high at around 70%.  It was a warm, sunny day out, so I figured why let anything go to waste.  Skinned, butchered, and gutted him with my bare hands.  

Night was approaching and I was getting cold.  I trekked the last few hundred yards to the Dead Fall cabin, lit a fire in the stove, and began to cook me up some wolf stakes for dinner.  I figured I had it pretty good and I was lost in my thoughts of what a fine fur coat I could craft out of  that unlucky canine's hide, when I heard a twig snap behind me.  I spun around and standing there snarling at the doorway was another wolf.  

It must have been the mate of that wolf I was currently frying up for my supper, because she did not even flinch when I brandish my torch in her face.  She knew what I had done and she wasn't going let me get away with it.  She lunged upon me and tore at my flesh with unrestrained fercoity.  It took all my remaining strength to beat her off of me, and by the time she did finally retreat, we were both bloody and broken.  I was down to 20% health and had to scrap a pair of socks to just to patch up my wounds to avoid bleeding to death.  Exhausted, weak, and on the verge of death, I stoked the fire, rolled out my sleep bag, and lay down to cradle my wounds as I drifted off into peaceful oblivion.

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