Whiteout "Retry" Bugged

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Upon completion it gives option to try again or quit to main menu. If you hit retry youll respawn in a random location on stalker mode, plus the objective list of resources in journal are all green as if your not only in WO challenge mode but also already completed the objective

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Update: When I made OP yesterday, I immediately closed out game thus negating any possibility of further tests in that run.. Or so I thought.

Turns out when you get back into main menu (upon booting up game) and go to select challenge modes my Whiteout "retry" run was still there able to be loaded up. Only it wasnt WO, under challenge it had the picture and word Stalker and spawned in PV... Upon loading it up the objective list wasnt there anymore like before (mind you the almanac wasnt there either but it also was absent from the first initial retry before I quit out to make OP) and death was treated like any other sandbox.


Attempted a journal save to no avail-- Covered in another thread


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