Whiteout Badge not unlocked


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Hi there, 

I am playing with v.348.

I achieved Whitout Challenge today, and saw the (very nice!) screen at the end with my time to complete etc...

When i come back to the menu and look for my badge in the submenu, nothing is unlocked...

Keep up the good work, thanks

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TLD Survivalist, my ^point would be that you should give it a try even if no badges are unlocked. It is not game breacking and the fun is the same...


As badges and Feats are new mecanics, they need some tuning and thats why I reported it.

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True though Id be lying if I said that the "above stated" was the ONLY reason I havent attempted nomad.. Also I simply fear it A) being too easy and B) Ending in yet another anti climatic way.. Like the whiteout challenge... I guess I'll just have to try it out and see for myself

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Nomad is fun. It's a good way to get back in to the game if you've had a break. Also it's forces you to play in a different style. It's long though, I'm 60 days in and still have 5 locations to go


i'm curious did you get any badges to show up for other challenges. I did hunted part one before the badge update and got it when the update hit

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