HOTFIX to v.349 for "Penitent Scholar"

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Hotfix v.349 is now live for both Steam and Xbox One. The changelist is below. This hotfix also brings additional language support to Xbox One—German, Russian, French, Swedish, Norwegian, Turkish, Trad Chinese, Simp Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

As always, please post any issues you encounter in a separate thread in the technical forum.

The v.349 changelist:

* Fixed crash when cancelling actions like Sharpening and Cleaning, followed by completing a different action.
* Fixed issue with Fluffy being a 100% spawn
* Fixed issue with wolf audio sometimes playing in 2D
* Fixed issue with incorrect buttons sometimes showing up on the Research UI screen
* Fixed overlapping messages when trying to refuel a full Lantern
* Fixed entering Dam at incorrect position/orientation
* Fixed spot in Whaling Warehouse where player could get stuck
* Fixed issue with vehicle colours changing after scene transitions
* Fixed floating backpack after harvesting chair in Trapper’s Cabin

(Edit: Updated post to include the Xbox One hotfix release)

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