Diagonal Movement Speed Bonus

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Xbox one : V.338, and many previous

I've noticed moving diagonally gives me ~ sqrt(2) speed bonus, as if radial normalization isn't being handled properly, at least for the console version. I'm unsure if this is intentional, but doubted it and thought I'd mention it here.

First I noticed it subjectively, by simply feeling faster. Then I confirmed the audio cues footsteps do increase in frequency. Finally I did a small test with a stopwatch, comparing the 2 running speeds, while indoors over flat surfaces. This rough estimate also seems to confirm the advantage. At minimum the audio cues certainly increase in rate for diagonal movement. The sqrt(2) factor is mostly just a guess based on my expectation.


Also, hopefully instead of dragging down the diagonal speed, you'd boost the forward speed to match >>. Otherwise, I've shot myself in the foot by posting this.

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Guest Support

Looking at the debug output the velocity is as intended and it appears to be an optical illusion (similar to how people think running backwards negates the speed decrease from wind, it doesn't.) I've passed the issue on to the team to investigate further, though. Thanks for reporting. 

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Thanks. I only claim this affects the console version, I've no idea about the PC version.

And it may be that it's an optical illusion (I'll do longer distance tests to see if my originals were just misleading), but by simply hitting a timer at the sound of each footstep for each way, I get roughly ~150ms interval discrepancy between the 2 modes, with crude by hand averages of 450 ms vs. 600 ms. Let me know if you end up finding anything, I think it's even more interesting if the code reports the proper velocity, but is rendering it differently somehow.

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