Heat Exhaustion and a Radial menu option for on/off selected clothing


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I'm not sure if I'm the only one who's noticed this, but seeing as why this is a game about the cold I can understand.


I shouldn't be able to wear full animal skins that can brave -20 degrees Fahrenheit while indoors, standing next to a fire, you would die from heat exhaustion.

I noticed this when using the forge, I was in that room for a good 10 hours, and my "feels like" said "143 degrees Fahrenheit".  Am I the only one who sees why that's a problem?


My suggestion:  Make heat exhaustion a possible ailment, but add a "take off/on" clothing hotkey in the radial menu, this goes beyond the mechanic I just stated.  Pressing this key will take off your selected clothing (you select it in the menu, or *star* it), and when you press it again, it will go back on.

Beyond the aforementioned "heat" mechanic, this hotkey/radial menu option, would be so so so very nice for those of us who think it's weird that we're sleeping in full blizzard gear while in a bear bedroll, next to a roaring fire, indoors.  This would also be nice for reducing wear and tear on our gear. 

Our character's will complain about the cold, but not so much as a mumble about the incredibly hot fires we produce.

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